- Cinematography Theory & Practice
- book for: directing for Educational video
- General Camera Shots/Techniques Book
- Good Editing Books?
- Recommend Text on DV Please
- Industry Magazines
- Mac & IBM, 64 bit processing in the works
- Rebel without a crew
- Cinematographer's manual?
- Film Noir / classic horror look
- A book on techincal Info?
- Recommended reading for FCP users
- Technical Knowledge
- Book: The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
- Just got my Gl2
- Yet another query on lighting books
- Book: The Writer's Journey, Vogler
- Cinestream Tutorial Disks
- The Art of Technique
- Hot off the press ( Final cut pro for beginners)
- Shooting Awesome Video
- Book: Final Cut Pro 3 & The Art of Filmmaking
- Ken's Bookshelf
- Set Lighting Technician's Handbook
- The 5 C's of Cinematography
- Welcome! About This Forum....
- DV Blue book
- Ross Lowell's Matters of Light and Depth
- VX2000 instruction books
- After Effects Book
- Books - how to work with actors
- Books - how to direct actors
- Books - Digital Moviemaking / Transfers
- Book Suggestion
- XL1s manuals (books?)
- Books 4 "Newbies" ;-)
- DV InfoNet Virtual Library