View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Question about an RCA VHS/DVD-R deck from Wal-Mart.
  2. where to buy
  3. External Hard Drive Question
  4. Intersting article about the BBC and JVC
  5. What does a "Mockumentary" script look like?
  6. What is the best way to light an interview for drama?
  7. Copyright Warning Title
  8. avi vs. mov
  9. 30p or 60i for Slow Motion?
  10. Production going International
  11. buying used crt/ sceen burn
  12. Now gimp has an animation plugin....
  13. What's a VC on-set?
  14. .m2a compatibility for DVD's?
  15. Need help quick: help capturing from svideo signal
  16. Computer Fan (?) Question
  17. satelite video
  18. Full Duplex Communication
  19. Difference between Mic input and Headphone Jace
  20. White balancing advice please!
  21. production and trailer music???
  22. Help with a title
  23. when high shutter speeds cause strobing effect...
  24. X-RAY's and Your Equipment: Traveling with Your Gear
  25. Firewire PCMCIA Card - Experience/Recommendation
  26. iSight as a helmet cam
  27. Digital Video Stabilization? Ay Ideas
  28. parts of the lens...
  29. Live Real Time Chroma Keying
  30. What's up with -3 Gain?
  31. Which one is better?
  32. Online Distribution For Short Films
  33. Used Pro TV videographers cameras?
  34. Laptop
  35. Video Sampling Question
  36. Why 30p?
  37. life or death choice
  38. Newbie with a DVX-100a question...
  39. Linux NLE packages, do they exist?
  40. Final Cut Pro for Windows
  41. Focal Length Comparison
  42. Mic for my camera
  43. capture via repeater: sound like trouble?
  44. First trip down HD lane...need advice
  45. viewing/editing HD footage
  46. What are the hidden costs for importing from US to UK?
  47. Where Can I Find Prices
  48. How to connect TRV480 as pass through capturing analog
  49. Logo on DSR-20P
  50. Making the "Final" decision on a DVX or Xl2.. could use input.