View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. I made it!
  2. anyone do music videos?
  3. best portable camcorder (pocket size)
  4. Telepromter DIY style...
  5. How would you spend a $50K shopping spree?
  6. A good book on DV, Cameras, Lens, Video/Film, etc
  7. Nab 2007
  8. External hard drive problem...
  9. Problems with Primera Bravo II...Help!!!
  10. Userbits - do you use them?
  11. Telly Awards
  12. 'On the fly' conversion ??
  13. Focus, pull out, pan and focus (all at the same time)
  14. are these camera sites a scam?
  15. Texas HD Shoot Out
  16. stupid question about lenses.
  17. Intel or AMD for Adobe?
  18. Canon A1 in a month, or wait till NAB
  19. raid 0 technical question...
  20. Rotoscoping software idea -- does this exist?
  21. Editing with Premiere Pro
  22. 4:3 to 16:9 FHA converter
  23. just a quick question
  24. Beillen Batteries
  25. Panasonic GS500 - No DV Device Detected
  26. Poor man's HD
  27. Video Switcher Questions
  28. Improving picture quality of cheap camera
  29. Beginner's Questions
  30. High End SD Camcorders Obsolete?
  31. Chroma keying - all the rules don't seem to apply here?
  32. Found Owner Manuals on-line
  33. A little help for a beginner, please.
  34. Prosumer DV q's (why no true 16:9?)
  35. Shooting Video Sequences with a DSLR?
  36. optar illumina
  37. Acheiving Filmic look with DSR 570 and filters
  38. Some technical HD and format questions
  39. Updating QT
  40. Where do I get....
  41. Analog Capture problems
  42. Polarizer or Neutral Density?
  43. Where Do Beachtek Get Their Enclosures?
  44. HD vs. SD - Is HD worth the expense for web delivery?
  45. Vegas 7.0
  46. Confused: What is the current CONSUMER camcorder recommendation?
  47. Videography!
  48. advice on 500GB external hard drive for mac
  49. Battery in cold weather?bad?
  50. Wireless Intercom