View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. firewire cable "loops"
  2. Shot with DVX100
  3. Shops in Japan and their website in english
  4. Please clear up a few things for me.
  5. What would you do with this camera?
  6. Mini DV to hard drive not real time
  7. Actual Resolution When Capturing Direct To Nle
  8. Best Mac for HDV Editing
  9. DVX100B or HVX200 to 35mm?
  10. External Hard Drive issues
  11. Flash or No Flash...That is the Question
  12. Green Screen Construction
  13. Playing scales on a camera...
  14. Film Contest Lists?
  15. pani ag-hpx500 and NAB
  16. Camera punishment
  17. a good laptop for editing
  18. Shoulder Mount vs. Hand Held
  19. Cheap, large chroma key backdrop?
  20. Eye Piece Focusing
  21. How do I get a video onto 3 screens?
  22. Capturing NASA World Wind
  23. Is a USA warranty useless in Canada?
  24. Private Classifieds
  25. How should I save my film transfers?
  26. What is the name of 'bum bags/fanny packs' that production Runners wear??
  27. cam warranty & extended warranties
  28. new and old camera
  29. Jog / shuttle controller needed
  30. White Balance
  31. New Red Eye FX wide angle
  32. Help Needed
  33. HD to Fibre Converters
  34. Will I need to re-install XP Pro?
  35. Why does my lens cost so much?
  36. What do you consider low/high hours on a camera?
  37. Is there a program that does REAL TIME camera switching?
  38. Is there a way to automatically do this?
  39. Mac vs PC
  40. xl2 or sony hdr fx1
  41. So what to buy for prosumer use?
  42. Need logical upgrade from macrosystems avio
  43. Projection advice needed
  44. UV & Haze filters
  45. SDI to Mini PCIe
  46. 48mhz 24bit audio into Premiere 6.5?
  47. Stupid YouTube Question
  48. Warm Cards - any good?
  49. Untried, low cost DOF project
  50. NY Sun: B&H Photo Emerges as a NY Institution