- What decides DOF?
- How do I use a 1394 input on a laptop?
- online video trouble...
- How to use Vectorscope
- Pictures and Audio on a CD
- DVD-VHS Recorders - Suggestions Needed
- 1440x1080
- diffraction? Using nd filters
- Quicktime "reference movies"
- Consumer Camera Question
- Good News! I got a Cam!
- Live Video with Supers
- Las Vegas ceilingcams
- goodbye standard def television?
- Nattress plugins - Big Box of Tricks
- Any suggestions for Comm gear?
- 4:3 footage to be viewed on 16:9.. your suggestions
- De-interlace or not to De-interlace
- Is there a section pertaining to PC's here?
- best way to post short video sequences online?
- Replacement Eye-Cup for older JVC Cam
- Linear Polarizer more effective than Circular Polarizer?
- Lipstick Cam vs. Small Mini D.V. Cam
- What model is this?
- Laser Rangefinder for precise focusing?
- Interview w/Black Background - How?
- Anton Bauer battery charging question
- Will NAB have an effect on older camera prices?
- Lighting a moving night scene
- Insurance
- Slow mo...
- which software for an automatic random video montage generation ?
- 3 Chip SD vs. 1 Chip HD?
- Film Festival Stories / Feedback
- stretched out video
- Giving a lecture- Need some input- please help!!
- AOL Video hits on my website
- 4:3 into 16:9 question..
- Difference in mini-DV quality?
- Cheap camera for VCR, ok to mix tape stock?
- Vendor recommendations
- Sony ECM-672 microphone question...
- Which lens focal lengths are used most?
- NTSC playback on PAL player question
- CF card restore
- UV Filters
- Care and Feeding of VGA Cables
- narrowed my search to a few cams
- TMPgenc MPEG-2 Encoding question
- Help! Compression Problems! Anyone?!?!