- Family History Video / vets
- Dark Video (MPEG-2) on TV
- converter SDI to composite
- NTSC and PAL issues
- What constitutes high hours on a camera?
- Performance hit on MacBook Pro using XP?
- OIS/EIS methods, hand held stabilzers, help and advice wanted
- 24fps
- new sony hd
- Shooting 35mm essentials?
- selling my letus FE 35mm
- grabbing stills from an HDV file - HELP!
- Does 'the line' count for a character and inanimate object?
- JVC DV500 time date question
- A short clip of 8mm film from 1946
- The three buck gadget/trick thread...
- 1/2" vs 1/3" DOF difference
- DV deck for a computer
- Switch Sony to Panasonic, that is the question.
- Athlete Scholarship video
- here's my short list.help deciding?
- Movie equipment
- camcorder software?!
- What Important Features Do Professional Camcorders Have?
- How best to store HV20-shot HDVp24?
- All mini-DV decks are not created equal...
- Difference in using Camera Gain vs. Post brightening methods?
- Coldplay video style????
- PAL NTSC conversion?
- MXF differences
- SD video playback on computer - double check
- Good directional lavaliere mic?
- 6 video inputs displayed on 1 TV
- Matching Z1 and XL1s
- Monitor trouble with new video card
- 24pn
- miniDV cam. w/Firewire
- Not happy with Canon ZR850 Video quality, please advise
- Converting 8mm film to digital with XL1s
- RAID Question
- Question about Projectors and TV safe lines?
- Can external hdd corrupt video files?
- Good Camera for Sports Motion Analysis
- Pocket Video Recorder
- Camera operation practise
- Final Draft AV = other alternatives?
- how to test/know if my video card is fried?
- Cracking open a mini dv tape...how?
- What is a better wat to transfer video signal
- First shorts budget - equipment counts?