- Sony DXC 537a with Capture to disk
- Windows Vista Service Pack 1
- Live Multicam Shooting--Help needed ASAP!
- Do cooking shows sell well?
- Relative File Sizes for .AVI, .MOV and .WMV?
- Full auto mode users
- Misc. Open DV from 2008
- Windows Media downloading issues
- Backup Advive for mini DV
- Starter/Web Camcorder Recommendation
- ExpoDisc
- XHA1 Onboard Mic. problems
- Hot Pixel Issue?
- PC freezes when capgturing down-conversion
- Thick whiteboard markers for recording whiteboard?
- Movie theatre video projection
- Hand cranked film projector
- How to extract JVC camerasettings from AVI
- compressing to flv
- Right Angled XLR?
- Your favorite Hardware (computer) vendor?
- Looking at Hi-8 camera and not sure if I found a good deal
- Best way to film fireworks NYE
- Director's Viewfinder?
- easy to make diy follow focus
- 80s Look
- Connect my PC to my Mac? (to transfer video clips)
- MTV cameras
- Sony model nomenclature
- Length of Cables
- short film distribution outlets
- HDV vs SD continues
- 1080 Monitoring For Direct-To-DVD
- Timecodes: best practice when laying to tape?
- Wiring diagram for 9-pin RS-422 to RS-422 cable?
- File transfer and compression
- Default CCD Color Temperature?
- For the Brits, Aussies, and Kiwis - how big a deal?
- Interlace problem on fast movement in HDV
- Really Can't Decide....
- Experience needed
- Step down ring for wide angle lens
- Mini DV playback into a computer for editing
- True 16x9 adapter for only $99 for SD cams!!!
- Red color missing, LCD monitor or projector
- Better to underexpose or overexpose?
- Need advice for optimizing productivity with HD (capturing editing)
- Free Divx Pro for a limited time
- sports video camera
- Rails with base plate at centre of gravity