- Panasonic MX 50 Video Mixer Question
- Is buying an SD camera at this point a sin?
- cropping video to 3:1 format screen
- Should I learn Premiere or something else? And what book?
- UV Lens Cleaning ??
- Tips for shooting a Shuttle Launch?
- How long time do you keep back-ups?
- Low-Light Filming w/ Panasonic HDC-HS100
- Shooter(s) needed for quick Minneapolis Interview Shoot
- We're all digital!
- DIY motion control..?
- Should I switch from HV30 to XL1?
- Repairing Type-1 and Type-2 DV AVI files
- The Worst Project Ever!
- What format would you shoot in ??
- Netflix and Film Independent Seek the Next Great Independent Filmmaker
- Ethics question: Would you work for an organization you disagree with?
- distributing raw HD
- Help capturing with USB
- Wide Angle Lens Question
- High end consumer w/addons vs prosumer
- Can you see this..?
- What is this up to his eye.
- sub £1000.00 Camcorder recommendations
- Need CHEAP HDV Camcorder. Suggestions?
- Which wide lens for HV30?
- Camcorder with webcam functionality...
- Windows media player
- DIY sliding light track?
- Wide angle adaptors and filter step-up rings
- A question about solid state memory cards
- ADVC-110 Converter for Live Video Capture?
- ADVC-110 Converter for Live Video Capture?
- DV and SD Confusion
- Small airline, big baggage
- miniDV vs. HDD & flash
- Too many questions - not enough time
- New Semi-Custom CHEAP camera case
- Need an EX1 Box only
- Advice for lighting a small room?
- UK Traders for International shipping
- DIY Gyro Stabalizer
- live recording
- Cheap HD cameras..?
- Advice on purchasing Century Optics Fisheye lens
- 16 mm film: WHY?
- Shooting Motorcross with DVX100B ??
- What makes UK TV look so different from US TV?
- Make Your Own Nike Commercial
- miniDV tapes: "HD" and "regular" the same?