View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Is buying an SD camera at this point a sin?
  2. cropping video to 3:1 format screen
  3. Should I learn Premiere or something else? And what book?
  4. UV Lens Cleaning ??
  5. Tips for shooting a Shuttle Launch?
  6. How long time do you keep back-ups?
  7. Low-Light Filming w/ Panasonic HDC-HS100
  8. Shooter(s) needed for quick Minneapolis Interview Shoot
  9. We're all digital!
  10. DIY motion control..?
  11. Should I switch from HV30 to XL1?
  12. Repairing Type-1 and Type-2 DV AVI files
  13. The Worst Project Ever!
  14. What format would you shoot in ??
  15. Netflix and Film Independent Seek the Next Great Independent Filmmaker
  16. Ethics question: Would you work for an organization you disagree with?
  17. distributing raw HD
  18. Help capturing with USB
  19. Wide Angle Lens Question
  20. High end consumer w/addons vs prosumer
  21. Can you see this..?
  22. What is this up to his eye.
  23. sub £1000.00 Camcorder recommendations
  24. Need CHEAP HDV Camcorder. Suggestions?
  25. Which wide lens for HV30?
  26. Camcorder with webcam functionality...
  27. Windows media player
  28. DIY sliding light track?
  29. Wide angle adaptors and filter step-up rings
  30. A question about solid state memory cards
  31. ADVC-110 Converter for Live Video Capture?
  32. ADVC-110 Converter for Live Video Capture?
  33. DV and SD Confusion
  34. Small airline, big baggage
  35. miniDV vs. HDD & flash
  36. Too many questions - not enough time
  37. New Semi-Custom CHEAP camera case
  38. Need an EX1 Box only
  39. Advice for lighting a small room?
  40. UK Traders for International shipping
  41. DIY Gyro Stabalizer
  42. live recording
  43. Cheap HD cameras..?
  44. Advice on purchasing Century Optics Fisheye lens
  45. 16 mm film: WHY?
  46. Shooting Motorcross with DVX100B ??
  47. What makes UK TV look so different from US TV?
  48. Make Your Own Nike Commercial
  49. miniDV tapes: "HD" and "regular" the same?
  50. Varizoom Battery on Anton Bauer Charger?