- Tiffen Filters 'film look" and HD video
- premiere Pro capture format
- Titling
- Is this the best workflow for converting HDV to SD for regular DVDs?
- new camera, 2500 dollar budget, what to get?
- Export to Tape... then scene detection?
- New Music Video - HVX200 SLOW MO
- MPEG Streamclip - which format for export?
- Need to find stock Military charts/graphs
- Do it yourself camera rail system?
- How hard to break a hot shoe?
- Anton/Bauer Rejuvenation Mode
- Will US Switch to HD Change Safe Color Levels?
- What computer for Premiere Pro?
- Fcp error. Help please?
- Capturing on My Book
- MPEG-4 out put question from FCP
- Projector Presentation - Switching Videos
- h.264 color problems (?)
- Hi, what simple program will edit mpg video clips from Sony digital cameras (mpeg1)?
- FCP/After Effects
- transfering MiniDv/DVCAM directly to DVD
- tape reloading is killing me
- Capture Video from screen
- Live Video Broadcast -- Going Into Computer/Projectors
- Troubleshooting a Cybershot DSC-s700?
- Senior Short Action Film - Advice Needed
- Sony HC96 filmmaking
- video (footage) release forms
- Hd-8z hd 1080p
- Search for External mass storage service provider
- Digital memories – how do you preserve them?
- EX1 Viewfinder Loupe
- sub-$500 good quality 'vlogging' cam?
- Batch Frame Grabs - Best Results?
- DV to Beta SP
- Renting a 16x Lens for the XL2
- Program to identify footage 'spec' (fps/interlacing etc)
- New FREE teleprompter web-based app
- High Def vs. Low light?
- Taking a poll on a dropout problem
- Is This Place For Real??
- Filming with an iPhone
- Format Help
- Focus Problems / How can I be sure?
- Online Film School
- A left-hander camcorder?
- Getting Started
- Switching Cameras
- Capture the passion! - Handheld technique for solo documentary filmmakers