View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. two way radios
  2. Home-brewed 35 mm motion picture film scanner
  3. Premiere
  4. How does it work.
  5. about camera placement for interview
  6. Running in Place (What is the best way to do this?)
  7. Framing in 16:9
  8. Can't quite Key properly in FCP6.
  9. Canon WD-H72 Wide Converter
  10. Question about Framing
  11. Capturing tape with glitches
  12. ND filter issues on 3X Wide Lens
  13. Frame Rates
  14. Solution to queue video on demand like a Broadcaster?
  15. Ex-1,Ex3 and macbook pro,on Mt Everest
  16. Who wants to talk about camcorders with a n00b?
  17. Myster of Presets
  18. i pluged my canon MV700i into the pc and stoped working.
  19. Daydreaming about my ultimate camera
  20. video mixing live video to pc
  21. Which helmet, snake, bullet, spy etc. cam?
  22. Film Festivals.
  23. Point Grey Research DragonFly 2 -- 120fps into a Mac?
  24. Overscan question.
  25. Still Images to PAL video questions.
  26. How do I get this image back?
  27. Certain blood effect
  28. White Balancing Lens Caps
  29. Education
  30. Upgrade from HV30 to what?
  31. musicvideo editing lessons ?
  32. closed captioning for HD?
  33. Is adding gain on camera any different from adding brightness in post?
  34. Sharing Very Large Files
  35. Free me from optical image stabilization! Ach!
  36. Which cam for action shots?
  37. Filming a music video, any advice?
  38. Steam w/ black background
  39. HD program distribution
  40. My new Chromakey studio....
  41. SDHC reader confusion
  42. D-tap parts in the US
  43. Which HD format/camera plays nicely with FCP?
  44. 24P vs 24F?
  45. Steadicam Jr vs Merlin
  46. Going to Hd that is the question.
  47. vectorscope / waveform monitor ?
  48. Help me spend my money!
  49. i need advice/recommendations on mini spycam for documentary
  50. EasyPrompter call for production shots!