- two way radios
- Home-brewed 35 mm motion picture film scanner
- Premiere
- How does it work.
- about camera placement for interview
- Running in Place (What is the best way to do this?)
- Framing in 16:9
- Can't quite Key properly in FCP6.
- Canon WD-H72 Wide Converter
- Question about Framing
- Capturing tape with glitches
- ND filter issues on 3X Wide Lens
- Frame Rates
- Solution to queue video on demand like a Broadcaster?
- Ex-1,Ex3 and macbook pro,on Mt Everest
- Who wants to talk about camcorders with a n00b?
- Myster of Presets
- i pluged my canon MV700i into the pc and stoped working.
- Daydreaming about my ultimate camera
- video mixing live video to pc
- Which helmet, snake, bullet, spy etc. cam?
- Film Festivals.
- Point Grey Research DragonFly 2 -- 120fps into a Mac?
- Overscan question.
- Still Images to PAL video questions.
- How do I get this image back?
- Certain blood effect
- White Balancing Lens Caps
- Education
- Upgrade from HV30 to what?
- musicvideo editing lessons ?
- closed captioning for HD?
- Is adding gain on camera any different from adding brightness in post?
- Sharing Very Large Files
- Free me from optical image stabilization! Ach!
- Which cam for action shots?
- Filming a music video, any advice?
- Steam w/ black background
- HD program distribution
- My new Chromakey studio....
- SDHC reader confusion
- D-tap parts in the US
- Which HD format/camera plays nicely with FCP?
- 24P vs 24F?
- Steadicam Jr vs Merlin
- Going to Hd that is the question.
- vectorscope / waveform monitor ?
- Help me spend my money!
- i need advice/recommendations on mini spycam for documentary
- EasyPrompter call for production shots!