- How much should I charge for this project?
- Hollywood Camera Work
- Converting REALLY stepped on footage... Oh this is good
- Opinions on LASIK for the videographer
- Recording on the road
- shooting an airshow
- How do I delete my thread?
- How to Copy Software programs to Hard Drive Drive
- Magic Bullet Looks 1.1 still legit to buy?
- PC to MAC? Vegas to FCP? Television station called today..Thoughts?
- Converting VOB to WMV - No Sound!
- Psychology of Color – A Survey
- Best hour to shoot outside
- Multi-cam Project 'Look' Dispute - Shakycam or No?
- Help finding a HD camera for around £200
- Digi Beta as opposed to HDV
- Archos Gmini 402 Camcorder issue...
- What to use for a blue/green screen headshot
- PLayback in QT went all white overnight
- 1080 Footage to 720 Final
- Info on Stop & Shop Digital?
- Fast Background with Slow pan and tilt, How?
- Shooting an armoured vehicle.. with video..
- Interviews-what would you ask??
- Broadcast TV at the races
- video splicer
- exported video to sr11 problem
- What video format is this camera and what can edit it?
- White balance solution for indoors
- Videography Pictures
- Autocue using 7" LCD Monitor and laptop
- which sd based camera can be controlled via a PC?
- Why is this happening...?
- anyone use eye-fi wireless wifi card with their camcorder?
- Power-Tap? what is that? looking for a light.
- Switch Signal Help
- Buy a Camera that uses SD cards & can be controled via PC software 4 Video Boooth?
- how can I use FD lenses on a Canon Rebel EOS XS?
- Need ideas for "distance interview" editing
- Showing TEXT in front of Camcorder
- 1080i, 30p, 24p, 24pa Help
- Seen in the Wild Today...
- Change language on Japanese Sony?
- What aspect ratio is this?
- Simple Web Authoring Software Suggestion Please
- Is this laptop powerful enough?
- Help on equipment selection.
- Windows Movie Maker question
- A newsthread of interest to UK film-makers
- Sony HDR-XR500/520V Exposure lock?