View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Can I use a non HD Camera as a deck to upload HD Footage?
  2. Battery capacity in low temperatures
  3. Music to get a certain effect?
  4. Can't play back some MiniDV tapes
  5. Parasonmia screening this Saturday.
  6. Recording AV in to Small Handheld Camcorders
  7. Pushing Daisies and Cat in the Hat Style
  8. Large padded case that doesn't break the bank?
  9. Crankin'
  10. Hyson Films coming back?
  11. DVI switcher for (2) 30inch Apple monitors
  12. Trouble importing video. No audio
  13. live lens
  14. Looking for a good 'first' camcorder
  15. buying masters for a SIV
  16. Pulling video from youtube? Help
  17. Am I a wierd-o?
  18. How long do you guys use your NLE before upgrading???
  19. Changing 4:3 into 16:9
  20. What am I doing wrong????
  21. Posting video clips on DVInfonet?
  22. Slow motion?
  23. And You Think You Had a Bad Day
  24. why is a mattebox so expensive ?
  25. Time Lapse Movie over 6 Months
  26. Need Videos of Broadcast Products
  27. Garden of Eden Location Suggestions
  28. Recommendation for captioning software
  29. Color Temperature, optical filters or white balance?
  30. Need a composite video splitter
  31. Guerrilla or Gorilla?
  32. adobe premiere 4.2 free upgrade available
  33. WD hard drive issue
  34. Rather special lenses - anybody used them?
  35. Aspect Problem
  36. "60 Minutes" opening credits
  37. Videographers guilds, trade associations, organizations, etc.
  38. How to "hokie pokie"
  39. How to pitch a movie idea
  40. magic bullet quicklooks and windows 7
  41. Best Mag.
  42. Bullet proof Auto focus
  43. External hard drive non-responsive after formatting
  44. hosting paid-for video
  45. Royalty Free Music with Lyrics?
  46. WinDV not splitting footage
  47. What under-camera batteries are available?
  48. How do I post in the eBay section?
  49. Mounting 2/3 inch lens on Letus or Canon 5d
  50. HDV vs. Full Frame Codecs