View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Charging for footage...
  2. Nedd Suggestion on Printers for Art Work Out put
  3. SONY DCR-VX2100 Audio Focus Question
  4. iPad teleprompter
  5. Blu Ray burning/Authoring
  6. EasyPrompter looking for beta testers
  7. Any doc for VISCA?
  8. Booktype/bitsetting DVD burners
  9. Web Video jumpy
  10. New Toys! - Sony MRC1K + Backpack
  11. more confusion: should i stick to HDV (fx1 or z1)
  12. close ups with step up on TM700
  13. Password Protecting a Hard-Drive
  14. book advice
  15. You Tube tests
  16. Best Way To Stitch Sandbags
  17. DV vs HDV for DVD
  18. Mac Mini + FCP 7.0 ... advice?
  19. Video Swticher, running a a multicam setup
  20. NISSAN Canada TV commercial in toy scale...
  21. Sony Ex1r, Panasonic hmc 150 or Canon 5d mk2?
  22. NTSC capture in PAL land
  23. important 60i/30p ?
  24. Sync Problem
  25. Fake slow-mo or fast pan with 24p?
  26. It can become possible in Nollywood ...
  27. video production technology overview
  28. Sony EX3 Clip Browsing/Transfer
  29. Looking for camera handle rosettes
  30. Chip size effects on pixels
  31. DVD Studio Pro.....HELP!
  32. Using SDHC as permanent archive
  33. stripod support solution
  34. Time Lapse Video settings
  35. Z7u vs. Z1u
  36. Has this ever happened to you?
  37. Concerned with editing HDV with Mac Pro
  38. Ikegami B3 mount, changing to Sony B4 mount.
  39. proper place for film screening etc.-related announcements?
  40. My Brand New (to me) JVC GY500!
  41. fader-nd anywhere ?
  42. Mac Pro Question: Which is faster
  43. Check out THIS camera...........
  44. The 5K HD Camera Question
  45. cameras mainly for webcast
  46. Rack Focus
  47. video i exported, part of it jumps up and down a few times.
  48. New to HD - What camera for discreet shooting?
  49. New to forum and need computer advice.
  50. Canon ZR70mc