- Charging for footage...
- Nedd Suggestion on Printers for Art Work Out put
- SONY DCR-VX2100 Audio Focus Question
- iPad teleprompter
- Blu Ray burning/Authoring
- EasyPrompter looking for beta testers
- Any doc for VISCA?
- Booktype/bitsetting DVD burners
- Web Video jumpy
- New Toys! - Sony MRC1K + Backpack
- more confusion: should i stick to HDV (fx1 or z1)
- close ups with step up on TM700
- Password Protecting a Hard-Drive
- book advice
- You Tube tests
- Best Way To Stitch Sandbags
- DV vs HDV for DVD
- Mac Mini + FCP 7.0 ... advice?
- Video Swticher, running a a multicam setup
- NISSAN Canada TV commercial in toy scale...
- Sony Ex1r, Panasonic hmc 150 or Canon 5d mk2?
- NTSC capture in PAL land
- important 60i/30p ?
- Sync Problem
- Fake slow-mo or fast pan with 24p?
- It can become possible in Nollywood ...
- video production technology overview
- Sony EX3 Clip Browsing/Transfer
- Looking for camera handle rosettes
- Chip size effects on pixels
- DVD Studio Pro.....HELP!
- Using SDHC as permanent archive
- stripod support solution
- Time Lapse Video settings
- Z7u vs. Z1u
- Has this ever happened to you?
- Concerned with editing HDV with Mac Pro
- Ikegami B3 mount, changing to Sony B4 mount.
- proper place for film screening etc.-related announcements?
- My Brand New (to me) JVC GY500!
- fader-nd anywhere ?
- Mac Pro Question: Which is faster
- Check out THIS camera...........
- The 5K HD Camera Question
- cameras mainly for webcast
- Rack Focus
- video i exported, part of it jumps up and down a few times.
- New to HD - What camera for discreet shooting?
- New to forum and need computer advice.
- Canon ZR70mc