- I need help buying a new camcorder
- Post Production
- News Camera Work
- Low Cost HD Pocket Cam
- What's the best software (for the money) to convert f4v files?
- Program to Cut Ending Frames of m2t File?
- Conference mic for Skype
- 1080i vs 720p for downconversion to DVD
- "network quality"
- Point of Failure
- DV tapes hard to get?
- Deerstand tripod for sports?
- Classifieds
- Portable Power Sources
- Producing for Silverlight
- Does the Fujinon SRD-92B work with the Canon YJ-series lenses?
- Need help with deflickering of video of projector screen
- Can Someone Please Explain What Makes a Good Music Video?
- panning & distortion
- 2 questions for you all.
- What videocamera should I buy? It doesn't matter!
- Disc life
- what are some camcorders that get a shallow DOF?
- Video Storage/Archive/Backup Solution
- Cinema advertising frustration
- how to copy this dvd?
- Gear purchase for documentary
- Demo Reel
- I am looking for something cheep, but with certain qualities.
- Editing in iMovie?
- Help??
- What Can You Tell Me About Conducting Auditions?
- Continuous recording on DSLR cameras
- Mac external drive on PC
- Matrox
- Matte box for z1
- Video archiving
- HDV Mini-DV vs DSLR Upgrade???
- Quicktime files from CR2 jerking f
- "fragment" the movie
- Maintenance Help
- Mini DV Tape Archiving Question(s)
- Trouble importing SD tape with HVX
- When will a DSLR and camcorder merge.
- Web Streaming?
- Anyone bought from Global Visual Direct
- 24P Usage in Corporate and TV Video Work?
- Where do you get your kit from?
- DVM60 Premium "PR4" tapes?
- Getting started in the UK??