View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Little help on color separation for timelapse
  2. Decent printer capable of printing on CDs?
  3. frame rate for slo mo
  4. Newbie question: Spotlight vs Manual - Stage performance
  5. Post-production workflow for a 2x3 display array?
  6. Stolen gear from New Zealand maybe on sale in UK
  7. CMYK Logo to RGB
  8. Seeking guidance on converting 700+ movies shot on older Sony Hard Drive Cam
  9. Anyone seen this commercial?
  10. Name This Mixer
  11. Question about bitrate..
  12. Slow Motion Controller
  13. Seinfeld is the funniest.
  14. Tripod vs Glidecam
  15. How to travel with camera(s) secured...
  16. Autism Specrum Disorder - Social training through roleplay.
  17. Where should I put my money?
  18. HDCAM Transfer to HDD, suggestions on where/who?
  19. Have you changed your mind about DSLR's
  20. Burning soundtrack to CD; can it be done?
  21. Capture HDV From SD Cam?
  22. Set Building Ideas
  23. Single Man Bag Solution Help?
  24. Anybody use Distrify to sell docs?
  25. Suggestions for digital media player for a LCD/TV please?
  26. WANTED: Modern examples of silent video
  27. Film Festival question..
  28. Dslr lens adapters
  29. Video Capture Has No Audio
  30. Pls Suggest a Digital Media Playback device for continuous Video on LCD TV?
  31. Acard Duplicator Problems
  32. Closed Captioning on PC
  33. Any one still care about Digital 8?
  34. live capture>export>dvd question
  35. What are the biggest filmmaking magazines?
  36. "Broadcast Quality" in the digital era?
  37. Film Fest requirements
  38. KATA insertrolley
  39. Jib camera with LANC control
  40. BBC Hustle
  41. $50 follow focus
  42. Correct Exposure for Digital Video, ETTR or not ETTR?
  43. Cabling Question
  44. UK Store
  45. GYDV550U Repair
  46. Multicam Shoot advice
  47. Problem with Encore
  48. Buying used lens over the Internet
  49. Codec and What Camera Help !
  50. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 - Tips on Use For Video Professionals