View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Olympus OM-D E-M5 Review coming soon
  2. MTS conversion and system resources question
  3. Is it possible to find a cam to shoot starry sky?
  4. quote vs reply
  5. script for on screen presenter
  6. Does MPEG degrade more than AVI?
  7. Recording Skype Interviews
  8. Recommendation Needed for Newbie
  9. Video in a darkroom
  10. Anybody having problems with Taiyo Yuden/JVC DVD -Rs?
  11. Best low-light camcorder $2500-$3500
  12. for all of the professionals
  13. Moronic Question About A Theoretical HD Sensor
  14. SD Camera help
  15. Great ENG idea for those unhappy subjects
  16. best camcorder under $3000 for my needs?
  17. using HD and SD together - question
  18. How I stabilize my shaky video shots.
  19. Do you charge for rendering/encoding/uploading time?
  20. Sony NX fs700 .....buffer?
  21. Confused About Shooting Fight Scenes
  22. Shooting at night. Advice?
  23. Are these really the correct compression settings for TV??
  24. Todays solar eclipse.
  25. LED OnBoard Lights!???? Question about noise?
  26. Unhappy With New Vimeo Design
  27. scam on craiglist?
  28. How do I contact the forum?
  29. Wireless video from camera to LCD screen
  30. Renting a camera for the 1st time - Question
  31. V Mount to Anton Bauer Adapter?
  32. Does Deinterlacing then Reinterlacing lose quality?
  33. Ay experience with Disk Warrior?
  34. Looking for a stand on motorized turntable
  35. looking for Handycam that has infrared or night vision
  36. Software groups.
  37. How should I spend $30,000 ?
  38. Reclocking HD-SDI
  39. Movcam Matteboxes and Follow Focus?
  40. Does this sound like a good idea for my vx2000?
  41. Shooting and Charging Batteries in Kenya
  42. Direct to DVD Recorder Needed
  43. Suggestions for camera setup
  44. shoulder cam attachment
  45. How sketchy does this job offer look to you?
  46. Dual boot laptop PC/MAC
  47. Capturing NTSC directly to DVD compliant MPEG2
  48. Video producer's uniform
  49. PD177 with External recording device possible?
  50. Dumb question that shouldn't be necessary