View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. replacement for cubed foam?
  2. ffmpeg BATCH conversion script in DOS command
  3. News cameramen around the world will be cheering
  4. 550ex Replacement Screws
  5. VHS to HD transfer service?
  6. My work stolen and uploaded to You Tube
  7. "Broadcast Friendly" color and bitrate necessary?
  8. Review of the Livestream Broadcaster HD Streaming Converter
  9. What is principal photography?
  10. Stop motion technique
  11. Help to identified music
  12. Inscriber VMP Studio 4.7
  13. face blocking software
  14. Which demo reel music?
  15. Using Color Charts and Bars on Multi-Camera Shoots
  16. One Way HDMI Cable?
  17. Backpack to carry large(r) tripod? Sachtler DV6?
  18. Mixing Video Camera with DSLR footage for blu-ray
  19. Where to Repair
  20. GGS Perfect LCD Loupe
  21. Good source for blank media (DVD-R)
  22. Dropped frames, Mac or PC difference?
  23. Sony EX1 or AX2000 ?
  24. Video streaming
  25. How much to charge for a video
  26. DVD Editing Information
  27. If only lens caps were made of this ...
  28. Best "real world" training for Avid/Premiere editors?
  29. Avid for "graphical" editing?
  30. What should I charge?
  31. I need a fast external hard drive
  32. Flying with Equipment
  33. it still worth its weight?
  34. iMac and eSATA
  35. How do the studios do their DVD's
  36. iPhone 4s using old lens with lens adapter
  37. project complete, what do you do with the project?
  38. Theft of equipment Australia.
  39. Color bars on a waveform monitor
  40. New laptop no firewire, expresscard or PCMIA slot
  41. resources needed for research in: "Advances in video post production technology"
  42. Is this stuff all drivel?
  43. Documentary Camera Suggestions
  44. Q: Intranet video camera streaming
  45. 8 camera installation switching and streaming
  46. Best way to rip DVDs to Edit in PPro cs5.5
  47. Problems playing a DVD Dual Layered disk after burning
  48. Transcend 32gig cards on sale for $22!
  49. ? for Old hi8 SONY evo-9720 users Audio Distortion
  50. Waveform monitoring: Q I readings