- The Imac dilemma
- Shooting it perfectly vs. fixing it in post.
- Side by Side
- Black Magic Cinema Camera Thoughts *Discussion* Anyone?
- External Drive Calamity. Please Advise.
- Play-to-air server alternatives?
- Smallest, Cheapest Camera with Timecode Input or Output?
- Cataloging Tapes and their contents
- Did older cameras have as many quirks as the new ones?
- Grass Valley Infinity.. Any experience?
- Quick HD Question. 5400 vs 7200 for storage
- Standard def Video cleanup
- .mov files that have a note and mxf
- What do I do with my old FD lenses?
- Sync is almost over. What did you think of the DFX?
- I need help with my storage and backup plan
- DV FX Music Video - Heroes and Villians
- TED Talks - Talk about SlowMo!
- iPhone 5 camera goes head to head with Nikon DSLR and $20k Hasselblad Camera
- what kind of camcorder do they use in the NBA/NFL
- Advice for a beginner
- Canon XL2 and XLH1 question.
- Where are the women??
- Creating Video Studio
- A traveling video gig. My first. What to charge?
- Final product output DVD or BlueRay
- Sony Prime Warranty - Transferable?
- creative solution for SUV cargo liner? - protect interior, minimize friction
- Prosumer Camera With Broadcast or Near-Broadcast Codec?
- Medium & Large Format Film Cameras
- Shot logging for file based video (AVCHD)
- Places to buy equipment other than B&H/Adorama?
- HELP!! Corrupt MOV file won't play.
- Codec versus Camera
- jerky motion on DVD
- USB 3.0 for video editing? laptop, ultrabook solution
- B&H: wow!
- Need general A/V thoughts on a SUPER guerilla doc / music shoot....
- how to tell of footage is interlaced or progressive?
- Camera for research use
- Cheap way to record TV
- Would/Could you shoot this dinner on video?
- Fallout lanius. - fan movie.
- Thunderbolt - schmunderbolt?
- Help with stabilization software
- "On air" lights - a question
- Vertical rack mount DVD player
- Why Did My Folder Disappear?
- Wireless LANC Bridge?
- New camera. What are your thoughts?