View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. The Imac dilemma
  2. Shooting it perfectly vs. fixing it in post.
  3. Side by Side
  4. Black Magic Cinema Camera Thoughts *Discussion* Anyone?
  5. External Drive Calamity. Please Advise.
  6. Play-to-air server alternatives?
  7. Smallest, Cheapest Camera with Timecode Input or Output?
  8. Cataloging Tapes and their contents
  9. Did older cameras have as many quirks as the new ones?
  10. Grass Valley Infinity.. Any experience?
  11. Quick HD Question. 5400 vs 7200 for storage
  12. Standard def Video cleanup
  13. .mov files that have a note and mxf
  14. What do I do with my old FD lenses?
  15. Sync is almost over. What did you think of the DFX?
  16. I need help with my storage and backup plan
  17. DV FX Music Video - Heroes and Villians
  18. TED Talks - Talk about SlowMo!
  19. iPhone 5 camera goes head to head with Nikon DSLR and $20k Hasselblad Camera
  20. what kind of camcorder do they use in the NBA/NFL
  21. Advice for a beginner
  22. Canon XL2 and XLH1 question.
  23. Where are the women??
  24. Creating Video Studio
  25. A traveling video gig. My first. What to charge?
  26. Final product output DVD or BlueRay
  27. Sony Prime Warranty - Transferable?
  28. creative solution for SUV cargo liner? - protect interior, minimize friction
  29. Prosumer Camera With Broadcast or Near-Broadcast Codec?
  30. Medium & Large Format Film Cameras
  31. Shot logging for file based video (AVCHD)
  32. Places to buy equipment other than B&H/Adorama?
  33. HELP!! Corrupt MOV file won't play.
  34. Codec versus Camera
  35. jerky motion on DVD
  36. USB 3.0 for video editing? laptop, ultrabook solution
  37. B&H: wow!
  38. Need general A/V thoughts on a SUPER guerilla doc / music shoot....
  39. how to tell of footage is interlaced or progressive?
  40. Camera for research use
  41. Cheap way to record TV
  42. Would/Could you shoot this dinner on video?
  43. Fallout lanius. - fan movie.
  44. Thunderbolt - schmunderbolt?
  45. Help with stabilization software
  46. "On air" lights - a question
  47. Vertical rack mount DVD player
  48. Why Did My Folder Disappear?
  49. Wireless LANC Bridge?
  50. New camera. What are your thoughts?