- What's a good basic DV filiming setup?
- old equipment
- Hardware
- Is the XL1s or PD150 going overboard for what I need?
- Carry On Bag
- Vx2000 or XL1 again...
- Porta Brace and XL-1 - Stupid Question
- Another direct camera to hard drive resource
- Sony's Grey Market? A stock? B stock? Warranty
- Lens designation
- Time Lapse on programs?
- Canons Website is so so so bad
- How do you clean filters and lenses?
- sony vx2000 or canon xl1
- western digital external HD???
- scanning negs
- Training CDs and DVDs
- Drop frames: what's the deal?
- Advice for a new NLE System
- Problem with panasonic rec nv-dv2000
- Video Sample URLs?
- Widescreen question again...sorry!
- 16:9 box
- new thread for event guys and gals
- Background zoom effect
- Amphotoworld.com Is Not The Real Deal
- 16:9
- MiniDV-DV-AVI-MPEG-VCD-DVD-*VHS* Difference?
- New System Recomendations Please!
- The evolving state of the art - I don't want to be a dinosaur
- choosing a codec
- Sound card recommendations for Mac G4 AGP
- Urgent help needed - DV out problem
- Aspect Ratios/Resolution
- new to dv
- How do you pronouce "AIFF"?
- 3D animation with DV
- Break out boxes
- premiere 6 and XL-1 frame mode
- Time code: how critical?
- capture problem
- scanner resolution
- Cut!...Run!!
- Display date/time code in capture via DV/firewire
- $2000
- Software/Platform - Don't Forget Adobe!
- Ya Gotta See This Place
- Cnn Xl-1
- Atmospheric tracks & sound effects