View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Westcott Flag Kit
  2. Teleprompter flexible for direct speaking to cam and speaking just to side of cam?
  3. Synology Server on Mac OS X - Can someone explain the basics please?
  4. Uploading Large Folders Of Footage
  5. When a v-lock doesn't lock
  6. Sony rx10 screen on back not very scratch resistant?
  8. Looking for a new Video Camera
  9. Inventing the non linear edit suite
  10. The right camera for sports timing
  11. French translation for dvd menu
  12. Question about buying lenses on Amazon or Ebay
  13. Camera Focal Length vs Projector Throw Distance
  14. best HD makeup ?
  15. Please help find a film theory video: Re-contextualizing shot order (Bazin?)
  16. Anyone use a Tascam DR-07 mkII?
  17. DIY grad ND filter?
  18. How could I do this?
  19. TV Show Outro
  20. Automatically sync two hard drives over the internet
  21. Instant on / off for mac mini on mavericks?
  22. Making a DVD with WMV Files
  23. Upgrading PC - Square peg in a round hole?
  24. Deconstructing Michael Bay - Bayhem
  25. How To Close a BD-R / BDMV in a Subsequent Session?
  26. upgrade from canon xa20 to sony
  27. Best budget editing software for Mac?
  28. MacBook Pro: is an i5 processor enough?
  29. Video for Photographer
  30. Outtakes/Bloopers
  31. Music Editing Advice
  32. Film Challenge with a $5000 cash prize
  33. Recommendations for UK courier service
  34. "Homecoming" A short student/Indiegogo project.
  35. Adding text to a film
  36. I am so sorry
  37. Advice on outdoor shooting
  38. Advice needed for busy multi camera shoot
  39. Keyboard and Mouse for better ergonomics and productivity
  40. Beautiful documentary
  41. What do you guys think of this workflow to keep clips organized?
  42. Lens Life Expectancy
  43. DL discs as "good" as standard dvd?
  44. Are you editing on Linux?
  45. No Rush for 4K
  46. How to momentary blanking a video screen with VGA
  47. or the like
  48. MIDI Nightmare
  49. Sevenoaks SKW06 Cam stabilizer help
  50. Tripod and head