View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Camcorder comparisons?
  2. Resources for Canon MVX3i?
  3. Colour Bars/White Balance Questions
  4. Capture Sony's MICROMV MPEG-2 Digital Format?
  5. integrating powerpoint?
  6. airport
  7. Help with driver
  8. Looking for footage
  9. s-video vs. component illustrated
  10. PAL-M in Brazil
  11. Should I slightly compress clips while capturing?
  12. What should we expect after NAB...ect?
  13. Lens accessories for JVC GY-DVL120U
  14. iSight modification 6 to 4Pin+Power = DV Camera
  15. Choice between DVCAM & DigiBeta
  16. Low cost manual focus camcorder
  17. Wich lense for my trv950?
  18. DreamCam
  19. Can editing/exporting/importing media through the computer damage your hardware?
  20. Canon Xi samples, some are deinterlaced. Large.
  21. What are some good sites/places to learn more about photo/video and its vocabulary?
  22. What exactly is High Definition?
  23. miami, fl - mini dv equipment house?
  24. Can wide angle lens converters be used to fake widescreen?
  25. focusing image for printout
  26. Need advice on shoe mount adaptor
  27. What do you use you camcorder for?
  28. Digital Betacam vs MiniDV
  29. Canon Xi mpeg 4 or not?
  30. wanted good soundloops
  31. What is shutter speed and gain?
  32. Questions about DVD style camcorder
  33. Sony DCR-TVR33 Low sound
  34. camcorder problems
  35. Buying your 1st cam?
  36. Please help me out
  37. Seasons Greetings and Thank You
  38. Is this safe... (questionable reseller)
  39. how can 1/10 " .....
  40. gl2..or wait
  41. DSR-200A - Opinion?
  42. French Secam 816 lines resolution still happening?
  43. color bars vs. color checker
  44. how can i fake widescreen?
  45. Converting NTSC to PAL
  46. Need advice for a new film-maker
  47. What would you think?
  48. Available format film clips
  49. A BABY question from a newbie
  50. Question about widescreen