- Cheapest, Easiest way to encode MPGs from DV avi's
- Cleaning the lens
- what are the movie making terms, like pre-production etc
- Home Made Diffusor's
- Term for rough draft of movie?
- Filters - Filters - Filters
- training in North Carolina
- Standard tripod thread size?
- Considering starting a traning video series
- chip size: 1/3" vs. 1/4"
- Connecting your nle to the internet.
- What Locations have you rented and what was Cost?
- taking away the grain?
- Whats it like doing Casting Auditions? Have you done 1?
- Any suggestions on post-production teams?
- Has any Director from here gone BIG?
- film festivals
- Do you have a logo at the beginning of your movie?
- Post-apocalyptic locations for MiniDV movie
- Crazy CGI animation question
- director's viewfinder for 1/3" chip cams?
- Im sharing a piece of important information here!
- Tape stuck in camera that does not work
- whats the best way to keep incontact with my crew on set/location?
- shooting TV screen, exposure levels
- Help me to find this site!
- Film Theory
- Advice on music video
- Clapper
- Ohio Camera Rental
- Converting OMF to FCP
- whats it like working on location?
- Making URLs on Posts Clickable??
- how would i add somthing similar to these 2 things to my movies?
- It all boils down to this!
- Best exposure latitude VX2100 or XM2/GL2?
- preserving all audio tracks when dubbing to digital?
- Pan DV953 or DVC80 or Sony PDX10?
- Printing photos
- HD, SD and DV
- Please help with workflow..and products needed
- pd100A playback / recording issues
- Hidden Features on Video Equipment
- CANON XL1S VS. Panasonic DVX100A
- Tons of free stuff for MOVIEMAKERS
- Canon Xl1s
- DV 852 and observation
- Could anyone with a TBC and/or proc amp post some test shots for me?
- HDTV - how come panny and sony did SD?