- Getting your films onto IMDB
- Matching XL1-GL2
- Hoya filters, image quality, resolution
- Varicam HD for feature
- Where Can You Find Chroma Green Paper?
- I want to learn to fix camcorders.
- "General brand" stepup rings any good?
- airports!
- Sony HC40 VS Panasonic PV DV953
- Shooting insects
- Help me decide
- Hidden Cam ;-)
- Sony AC Charger problems
- Tips/suggestions for green screening a green parrot?
- DVD to VHS deck
- Dedicated BW video camera?
- Ever used Expandore?
- Camcorders & Lens Power Comparisons
- Master Shot First?
- mattebox systems
- Cost of CGI?
- What apps to author HD content?
- Shooting through windshield (out)
- 4:3 and Letterbox
- 320 Iso
- Nice new cameras
- f stops and sweet spots
- Farenheit 9/11 Video Halo Effect
- 24p is overrated
- Outputting projects to VHS?
- Pixels question
- Film conversion
- Color Correct beofre magic bullet?
- Some of my first footage to show with my new PD-170
- pc or mac
- 28Min Video to 16mm film Transfer
- digital projector types- minidv techniques
- making a motion picture on 3CCD
- camcorders in japan
- Importing computer screen capture to video
- Post Pictures of your Camera Setup!
- Dubious Newbie
- Tape Heads
- Nikon lenses on camcorders ?
- How to Get a Hospital as a Location for Shooting? (or shoot somewhere lookin alike)
- Muzzle Flashes in Post
- Computer Connection Question!!!
- Contracting a Sound Designer
- Video Cards - the Agony of Choice!