- Are Anton Bauer batteries worth the cost?
- MiniDV playback quality
- distorted sound
- DVDproject in PAL/NTSC/SECAM
- Computer System?
- Rechargables NiHm's vs. disposables
- Generators
- white balance, exposure and FIRE :)
- Video Toaster
- Green (or blue) screen advice
- Need sources for NLE workstation furniture
- software buying ebay
- Stupid, stupid, STUPID matte box prices!
- The HDV Format
- ASC vid manual... let's figure some stuff out
- Seperate sound source
- Confused beginner needs education
- PC or Mac
- should I buy a matte box?
- How big a battery will I need?
- Historical stock footage?
- [DV-953] Filming A Sunrise
- What ENG style cams are there in the 5k range?
- CCD/Film diagram
- Displaying video in a theater
- Collateral movie shot on VIDEO! Read on!
- Ok
- Trailer Posted for "After Twilight"
- anyone crashed a DSR-20?
- Pal/ntsc Dvds
- Panny AG-DVC60 now on official site with pdf brochure
- Low priced consumer camcorders - Graininess normal??
- DVC30 vs VX2100
- Sony DSR-570 vs XL2/DVX
- audio output through monitor speaker: how?
- I thought my CCDs were failing
- remote cameras
- Chromatic aberration?
- I need a camera- Should I get Panasonic
- YC and SVHS
- Making a Wish list, would like suggestions!
- "Three Kings" shot on minidv?
- Ireland
- Underwater bag?
- Super 8
- Need for IR filtration
- Star effect filters
- Film Festival submission question...idvd ok to use?
- Question about digital video and resolution
- film transfer question