- video taping conference... need advice
- Video Production Classes in PA/NJ/NY
- Shot List Card/Cheat Sheet
- wmv to mov
- Good quality lav mic
- I just want progressive to remain the way it is.
- question about foreign film schools
- Is PAL supposed to look like this?!
- The Wire
- multiple camera shoot - help
- Usb 2.0???
- what are the digital projection formats?
- Fake Puke Recipe??
- Where to get battery covers?
- Frame Rate and Interlace/Progressive Question
- stock footage recommendation
- Filter Size - DVC200
- Airline travel case
- Blowing air in the MiniDV compartnet
- Quick question, dumb question
- Once film is done, what do you save?
- looking for video transmitter
- Special interest area- music videos
- Panasonic PV-GS400 vs. Sony DCRTRV950 or HC1000
- Ken Tanaka: audition materials?
- Please help me in writing my script
- Handheld EVF only
- Capturing PD150 tape using a Canon ZR.
- Black Balance
- burning to VHS straight from NLE, can it be done?
- vid projectors - recommendations?
- Cool new slate pens! It's about time!
- stuck filter
- Video 101 course online...free!
- Shooting with a DVX100A and a XL2-Bad Idea?
- laptop users a question
- buying a camcorder in new york
- miniDV Backups
- Shooting DV and transfer to film
- Quicktime Movies
- VX1000 Output to Mac NLE?
- I do NOT understand why an imported video file looks like hell (interlaced artifacts?
- White baton on black background
- LCD Hoods
- iPod Photo
- Analog to DV ?
- Shooting Day-For-Night?
- Reality TV Shows
- What would you want to know?
- filming older women