View Full Version : Open DV Discussion

  1. Stock footage "time lapse"
  2. Ultracons in the snow?
  3. Chip size
  4. High speed video footage ?
  5. ramping speeds
  6. DV to Analog hell - beware
  7. Video/Camcorder Crash course?
  8. Picture Quality
  9. please help-formats formats??
  10. Info on Philips VKR-6850
  11. OPEN WATER vs. 28 DAYS LATER (29.97 vs 25)
  12. objects in viewfinder may be closer than they appear?
  13. Shooting video inside a Night Club enviroment *(hidden)
  14. Camera lifespan
  15. Camera Head Wear
  16. vx2100, or waiting for a pd170, or an xl2 in remote future?
  17. Looking for info on L2
  18. Looking for generic beer can props...
  19. Wireless video transmission
  20. Ext. hard drives
  21. What exactly is the "stage line" or "180 degree line"?
  22. Which PC or Mac laptop to get?
  23. Konvas 2m 35mm camera.
  24. Editing DV For 22-Square-Meter LED Screen
  25. website media player
  26. What is the SoftScreen made out of?
  27. what is the best way to clean my wide angle?
  28. Anyone try new Canon ZR100/200/300?
  29. Stealing shots (hidden camera)
  30. Quantifying the difference in camcorders...
  31. So ummm whats a matte box?
  32. filters...
  33. Problem Uploading Footage
  34. Lens: Screw On vs. Bayonett
  35. what's different in quicktime pro?
  36. Post Pictures of your Camera(s).
  37. YUV 4:1:1, 4:2:2, 4:2:0 Question
  38. Praise for Century Precision Optics
  39. Q: Record/Capture with different cameras
  40. Anyone else going to NAB in Vegas??
  41. Making DV capture software
  42. is there a sure way to stop hotlinking?
  43. ThumbWars and others-SFX, Or HOW DEY DO DAT?
  44. Firewire drives....
  45. How big (or how many) of a chromakey screen will I need?
  46. anyone have any experience with a bolex?
  47. Choosing High-Angle / Low-Angle Shots
  48. Security Cameras?
  49. Film Analysis
  50. Pro Mini-DV cameras