- 7.5 Set-up
- Best way to pull high quality stills from avi
- what do they (big release) deinterlace with?
- Exposing for DV- aggressive is better? (clipping be damned)
- JBK Follow Focus - backlash problems
- DV to BetaSP
- p.c vs mac
- Solid, reliable palmcorder recommendation?
- education editing tv commercials
- What should I do to get rid of windshield reflections?
- Fine detail graphics
- Panasonic AJ-D900WP dvcpro 50
- Birns & Sawyer Universal Mini Viewfinder
- Captioning producing a "flickering" effect
- Footage capture hardware problems: alternatives?
- PDX-10 vs DVX-100a vs PD-170 vs.....
- Interesting dropped frames issue
- Cross Platform Compatibility – Video Formats
- Sorenson Squeeze 4 - Any Suggestions?
- stabilizing video when already recored
- Anamorphic lenses: hard to focus?
- Cheap Camcorders in Australia?
- Sync for Music Videos
- I Hate HD
- Starting from scratch
- Projectors for watching video
- gmail accounts
- extreme noise level
- lux
- Going Anamorphic?
- WorkPrinter from Moviestuff
- A>D convert zr70mc help please.
- Minutes per Gig
- Photos needed for website
- Help a newbie out!
- Siggraph 2005
- Bluff titler
- Me again! Need help with MOV file (quicktime) or similar
- chipped lense...
- What if Wireless Firewire...Or not?
- Smallest file size but with good quality for web download?
- Lens Question
- xm,xl 16:9
- how to question. ipod commercials
- stacking footage to increase light?
- Need advice on 3CCD Mini DV choice
- How long before DV is dead?
- has anyone made any recent transactions with biz-max.net?
- How does this work? (slow shutter speeds)
- Color Correction: Who gets the honor?