- Premiere to Vegas
- Number of renders before quality loss?
- HELP PLEASE! premiere6.0/canon gl2 incompatibility
- Avid, FCP, and After Effects training in Houston?
- New System
- Pinnacle Pro One Information
- Knowing my colours?
- Pinnacle buy out Steinberg... old news but....
- "Art of Video Capture, Clean-up, and Compression" article. V. helpful!
- Vertical Lines
- Please give me some tips!
- Connecting VHS recorder to computer
- Firewire 800?
- Laptop external HD?
- Take a peek @ user issues before installing Win2K SP4
- HDD recommendations
- Girly fonts
- Driving me Crazy! Firewire DV Problem. Help!
- Audio Mixer for editing suite
- Most stable XP ? XP pro . Is there a difference
- Chopping up dv footage and saving.
- Audio CD to .wav conversion question
- Shooting and Editing for Broadcast
- 13 hours of DV footage and 50 gigs of HD space.
- New 10,000 RPM HDD's
- Is the firewire in Audigy card good enough for capture?
- Editing on the PC: Why?
- Technique - POV 2 and 3 way dialogue shots
- Mpeg encoding questions
- Is premiere worth dropping for Vegas 4.0
- Good software to capture with??
- Motherboard needed
- Render times
- Splitting Left & Right Stereo Soundtracks
- Echo Heard During Capture, but not in file
- Capture Resolution from Analog to Digital
- HP Workstation for video editing ?
- Green Screen material in UK?
- Compositing/Rotoscoping tools
- formats
- How do you make trail behind someone moving?
- That Home Video "Recording" look
- VariCam and SATA Raid
- Subtitling question
- Audio Popping Noise
- Feedback on Music Video
- i need your help!!
- continuity
- Which PCI slot for the soundcard?
- More than one deck definition possible with Avid's XDV?