View Full Version : Non-Linear Editing on the PC

  1. Premiere to Vegas
  2. Number of renders before quality loss?
  3. HELP PLEASE! premiere6.0/canon gl2 incompatibility
  4. Avid, FCP, and After Effects training in Houston?
  5. New System
  6. Pinnacle Pro One Information
  7. Knowing my colours?
  8. Pinnacle buy out Steinberg... old news but....
  9. "Art of Video Capture, Clean-up, and Compression" article. V. helpful!
  10. Vertical Lines
  11. Please give me some tips!
  12. Connecting VHS recorder to computer
  13. Firewire 800?
  14. Laptop external HD?
  15. Take a peek @ user issues before installing Win2K SP4
  16. HDD recommendations
  17. Girly fonts
  18. Driving me Crazy! Firewire DV Problem. Help!
  19. Audio Mixer for editing suite
  20. Most stable XP ? XP pro . Is there a difference
  21. Chopping up dv footage and saving.
  22. Audio CD to .wav conversion question
  23. Shooting and Editing for Broadcast
  24. 13 hours of DV footage and 50 gigs of HD space.
  25. New 10,000 RPM HDD's
  26. Is the firewire in Audigy card good enough for capture?
  27. Editing on the PC: Why?
  28. Technique - POV 2 and 3 way dialogue shots
  29. Mpeg encoding questions
  30. Is premiere worth dropping for Vegas 4.0
  31. Good software to capture with??
  32. Motherboard needed
  33. Render times
  34. Splitting Left & Right Stereo Soundtracks
  35. Echo Heard During Capture, but not in file
  36. Capture Resolution from Analog to Digital
  37. HP Workstation for video editing ?
  38. Green Screen material in UK?
  39. Compositing/Rotoscoping tools
  40. formats
  41. How do you make trail behind someone moving?
  42. That Home Video "Recording" look
  43. VariCam and SATA Raid
  44. Subtitling question
  45. Audio Popping Noise
  46. Feedback on Music Video
  47. i need your help!!
  48. continuity
  49. Which PCI slot for the soundcard?
  50. More than one deck definition possible with Avid's XDV?