View Full Version : Non-Linear Editing on the PC

  1. Advice for Laptop HDV editing set-up
  2. eSata for connecting external RAID drive sets
  3. Matrox Mini question
  4. Withoutabox IMDB upload Secure Online Screener
  5. boxx computer caution!!!
  6. Booting Problem
  7. i7 vs. Xeon
  8. Pinnacle studio 14 export6 for avchd disc
  9. Thumbnail preview in Windows Explorer
  10. Video card recomendations with CS5
  11. VelocityMicro Workstation & Adobe's Mercury Playback
  12. Need advice on NLE for PC
  13. I'm angry about my upgrade options, so I need some help --
  14. Flash Video on Web Page
  15. 24GB Problem
  16. Hard Drives Mirrored - How to Disable
  17. Single process eating up 10% total processor power
  18. Is it the monitor or the TV? Grading and colour correction for broadcast
  19. Another workstation recommendation thread
  20. Ripping a DVD. The best way?
  21. Adobe RGB vs. Rec 709
  22. Put movie in this frame
  23. rebuilding RAID info
  24. Laptop compared to desktop
  25. Urgent Best Practice Workflow advice pls!!
  26. How often do you run a clean install of everything? Windows OS
  27. Combining 2 cameras in Pinnacle 12
  28. recommend low cost breakout box
  29. MainCOncept Codec Suite
  30. Xeon Quad Core or i7?
  31. DELL Editing Workstation?
  32. at last my pc set up
  33. composition and rendering
  34. I need a suggestion for chromakey program
  35. White background for Chroma Key
  36. PopVideo Converter Reallusion
  37. Quicktime MOV H264 encoding issues
  38. Laptop recommendations for field editing?
  39. Creating 2 sided DVDs
  40. Sata 3 / raid
  41. To those people who are considering the purchase of Hitachi hard drives...
  42. New video card for PPro CS5 in older system
  43. Serious help with PluralEyes
  44. Please recommend simple, friendly and robust editing software
  45. MXF exported from Vegas into CS4/CS5
  46. I finally figured out why my overclocks on my current main rig is unstable...
  47. Capturing DV/HDV for archival
  48. How to stay safe in CS5
  49. New setups for CS5
  50. Laptop for editing