- Advice for Laptop HDV editing set-up
- eSata for connecting external RAID drive sets
- Matrox Mini question
- Withoutabox IMDB upload Secure Online Screener
- boxx computer caution!!!
- Booting Problem
- i7 vs. Xeon
- Pinnacle studio 14 export6 for avchd disc
- Thumbnail preview in Windows Explorer
- Video card recomendations with CS5
- VelocityMicro Workstation & Adobe's Mercury Playback
- Need advice on NLE for PC
- I'm angry about my upgrade options, so I need some help --
- Flash Video on Web Page
- 24GB Problem
- Hard Drives Mirrored - How to Disable
- Single process eating up 10% total processor power
- Is it the monitor or the TV? Grading and colour correction for broadcast
- Another workstation recommendation thread
- Ripping a DVD. The best way?
- Adobe RGB vs. Rec 709
- Put movie in this frame
- rebuilding RAID info
- Laptop compared to desktop
- Urgent Best Practice Workflow advice pls!!
- How often do you run a clean install of everything? Windows OS
- Combining 2 cameras in Pinnacle 12
- recommend low cost breakout box
- MainCOncept Codec Suite
- Xeon Quad Core or i7?
- DELL Editing Workstation?
- at last my pc set up
- composition and rendering
- I need a suggestion for chromakey program
- White background for Chroma Key
- PopVideo Converter Reallusion
- Quicktime MOV H264 encoding issues
- Laptop recommendations for field editing?
- Creating 2 sided DVDs
- Sata 3 / raid
- To those people who are considering the purchase of Hitachi hard drives...
- New video card for PPro CS5 in older system
- Serious help with PluralEyes
- Please recommend simple, friendly and robust editing software
- MXF exported from Vegas into CS4/CS5
- I finally figured out why my overclocks on my current main rig is unstable...
- Capturing DV/HDV for archival
- How to stay safe in CS5
- New setups for CS5
- Laptop for editing