- Building an editing computer
- Sdram Pc100 Vs Pc133
- Cropping aspect ratios in Pinnacle Studio 8
- Where to save project file
- 'compress drive to save disk space' when cutting?
- Hyperthreading
- Anyone has a Geforce FX5200 with two monitors?
- adding narration
- Capture: 139four v. analog DV
- 380W Power supply sufficient for NLE machine?
- what new hard drive should i get?
- Is this...possible...
- How do you erase items digitally?
- going from sd to hd to film
- Timecode?
- Did I go Partition Crazy with my new Master Drive?
- 3rd Party Capture Software?
- Pinnacle studio 9 upgrade
- Help...asap...
- I can't capture audio
- Laptop editing questions
- What type of pc/software do you recommend?
- Converting from FAT32 to NTFS
- Pinnacle Studio 9
- Dual Monitors
- Faulty Harddrive for Video Capture Only?
- Is my Capture Card problematic???
- Need help with vid cards and such
- about external hard drive...
- Editing for 16:9
- Two video cards for dual monitor. Works fine? Suggestions for the second one, please!
- Any suggestions on DV500 upgrade
- Monitors - Dual Small or Single Large??
- 80G HD reading as a 30G
- Logging and capture software
- Dvhstool and preview troubles
- overexposure?
- Capturing into XDV using DVRaptor
- Can MediaStudio Pro 7 handle MPEG2 TS?
- Dual Head Card
- Avi/MPEG conversion
- MediaStudio Pro 7 realtime preview question
- Firewire capture - variable data rate?
- 2 camera editing with pinnacle 9
- Building a budget NLE machine
- Need NTSC 'legal' color palette for Photoshop
- PC hardware benchmarks?
- post virus recovery
- daisychain wierdness
- editing MPEG2