View Full Version : Non-Linear Editing on the PC

  1. Building an editing computer
  2. Sdram Pc100 Vs Pc133
  3. Cropping aspect ratios in Pinnacle Studio 8
  4. Where to save project file
  5. 'compress drive to save disk space' when cutting?
  6. Hyperthreading
  7. Anyone has a Geforce FX5200 with two monitors?
  8. adding narration
  9. Capture: 139four v. analog DV
  10. 380W Power supply sufficient for NLE machine?
  11. what new hard drive should i get?
  12. Is this...possible...
  13. How do you erase items digitally?
  14. going from sd to hd to film
  15. Timecode?
  16. Did I go Partition Crazy with my new Master Drive?
  17. 3rd Party Capture Software?
  18. Pinnacle studio 9 upgrade
  19. Help...asap...
  20. I can't capture audio
  21. Laptop editing questions
  22. What type of pc/software do you recommend?
  23. Converting from FAT32 to NTFS
  24. Pinnacle Studio 9
  25. Dual Monitors
  26. Faulty Harddrive for Video Capture Only?
  27. Is my Capture Card problematic???
  28. Need help with vid cards and such
  29. about external hard drive...
  30. Editing for 16:9
  31. Two video cards for dual monitor. Works fine? Suggestions for the second one, please!
  32. Any suggestions on DV500 upgrade
  33. Monitors - Dual Small or Single Large??
  34. 80G HD reading as a 30G
  35. Logging and capture software
  36. Dvhstool and preview troubles
  37. overexposure?
  38. Capturing into XDV using DVRaptor
  39. Can MediaStudio Pro 7 handle MPEG2 TS?
  40. Dual Head Card
  41. Avi/MPEG conversion
  42. MediaStudio Pro 7 realtime preview question
  43. Firewire capture - variable data rate?
  44. 2 camera editing with pinnacle 9
  45. Building a budget NLE machine
  46. Need NTSC 'legal' color palette for Photoshop
  47. PC hardware benchmarks?
  48. post virus recovery
  49. daisychain wierdness
  50. editing MPEG2