- how is this laptop editing solution?
- Simple software to do a single task
- HDV capture problem with premiere pro 2.0
- PC based edit system for HV30?
- Upgrade a 2.40 Core 2 to a Quad??
- Expert opinion on producing sd dvd for display on large HDTV.
- Highlights reddish on Samsung LCD
- pc setup advise
- analog capture card suggestion
- WD My Book is now rebuilding...?
- Capturing DVCam to Quick Time Pro
- Premier Video Markers
- Is this a good workstation
- Dumb and Dumber
- Any problems with the new Pinnacle Studio 12?
- what computer do you guys use for Editing
- Having trouble with an AVI file converted from a DVD VOB file in Premiere Pro CS3
- Linux?? for editing platform
- Capturing On Mac, Editing On Pc
- Problems after upgrade
- FCP slows when using Boris title 3d
- VERY slow exporting problem
- Building an Editing PC
- Hard Drive Format Question
- Best way to convert video on PC for MAC Editing
- Q6600 or Q6700 (non-overclocked)
- Problem in After Effects Pro 7
- Help! Is this PC build enough to edit AVCHD vacation video etc
- Cinelerra: artifacts in resulting DVD mpeg
- Shipping a pc?
- Opinions on this laptop
- External HDD w/ USB2 or F400?
- Slow motion using pinnacle 9.4
- XP 64-bit, AE and Quicktime
- Vista SP1 installed.
- TMPGEnc vs CinemaCraft Basic for DVD Video
- Codec and Encoder question
- (another) Video Editing PC help
- Best option for live capture
- What does the graphic card do?
- Why is necessary a capture board?
- New Motherboard Recommendations
- What program to use for DVD authoring?
- Ubuntu Studio
- Powering two 9800GTX GPUs - enough connectors?
- Audio out while editing
- Missing 'Fraunhofer MP3' codec in Sorenson Squeeze on FLV export
- Permiere Pro CS3 Issue
- Laptop help
- Suggestions on how to speed up my workflow?