View Full Version : Final Cut Suite

  1. Can't Find Settings Answer for 60D
  2. Time code
  3. Final Cut Auto Save Vault
  4. WB shifts with contrast increase?
  5. Final Cut Studio 2.0
  6. Need help troubleshooting DVD authoring problem.
  7. Multicam dslr workflow
  8. Multicam dslr editing
  9. Help Me Set Up An Edit Suite
  10. Pluraleyes with Multiclip
  11. Matrox Max vs Sorenson Squeeze + CUDA
  12. How can I get my logo to roll in sync with credit scroll outro?
  13. PC friendly HD from FCP
  14. motion - export to compressor does not conform to project range
  15. Final Cut Pro 7.0.3 Crash Reports - Need help interpreting problem
  16. itwin - new way of editing?
  17. Multiclip jittery on playback
  18. Best playback codec for FCP
  19. Refused Final Cut support for using NX5U
  20. Several hrs of PIP rendering forever
  21. Workflow for transcoding
  22. Which Mac - Urgent help needed
  23. FRAME RATE EXPORT PROBLEM qt,fcp,xdcamex24p
  24. Post effect glitches that weren't there before
  25. A thread for my Final Cut questions
  26. photos in FCP trouble
  27. Upgrading video card for aging Mac Pro (version 1,1)
  28. Does anyone use a controller?
  29. i love the look
  30. V1U 24pscnA DV and Final Cut Pro 7
  31. ex1 1080i footage cut in fcp -> quality sd dvd-secret sauce or alchemy?
  32. Audio out of sync using nested sequence. XDCAM35 1080p24
  33. Opinions sought about adding to my edit suite
  34. DVD menu autorun on usb-stick
  35. Panasonic P2 and FCP
  36. Most "universal" H.264 wrapper?
  37. Easy Motion Tab Question
  38. Quick Color Question Regarding Curves
  39. Twixtor Question
  40. Snell Roundhouse Font
  41. M2ts to Quicktime
  42. Images Really Long
  43. Good Keyboard for editing
  44. Is this workflow practical?
  45. Making video shake? or Shake transition?
  46. Denoiser
  47. Retrieving from Mini DV tapes
  48. Blurring during quick movement
  49. Not enough ports for tape capture on iMac
  50. Is it possible to add tag information to a video clip?