- Can't Find Settings Answer for 60D
- Time code
- Final Cut Auto Save Vault
- WB shifts with contrast increase?
- Final Cut Studio 2.0
- Need help troubleshooting DVD authoring problem.
- Multicam dslr workflow
- Multicam dslr editing
- Help Me Set Up An Edit Suite
- Pluraleyes with Multiclip
- Matrox Max vs Sorenson Squeeze + CUDA
- How can I get my logo to roll in sync with credit scroll outro?
- PC friendly HD from FCP
- motion - export to compressor does not conform to project range
- Final Cut Pro 7.0.3 Crash Reports - Need help interpreting problem
- itwin - new way of editing?
- Multiclip jittery on playback
- Best playback codec for FCP
- Refused Final Cut support for using NX5U
- Several hrs of PIP rendering forever
- Workflow for transcoding
- Which Mac - Urgent help needed
- FRAME RATE EXPORT PROBLEM qt,fcp,xdcamex24p
- Post effect glitches that weren't there before
- A thread for my Final Cut questions
- photos in FCP trouble
- Upgrading video card for aging Mac Pro (version 1,1)
- Does anyone use a controller?
- i love the look
- V1U 24pscnA DV and Final Cut Pro 7
- ex1 1080i footage cut in fcp -> quality sd dvd-secret sauce or alchemy?
- Audio out of sync using nested sequence. XDCAM35 1080p24
- Opinions sought about adding to my edit suite
- DVD menu autorun on usb-stick
- Panasonic P2 and FCP
- Most "universal" H.264 wrapper?
- Easy Motion Tab Question
- Quick Color Question Regarding Curves
- Twixtor Question
- Snell Roundhouse Font
- M2ts to Quicktime
- Images Really Long
- Good Keyboard for editing
- Is this workflow practical?
- Making video shake? or Shake transition?
- Denoiser
- Retrieving from Mini DV tapes
- Blurring during quick movement
- Not enough ports for tape capture on iMac
- Is it possible to add tag information to a video clip?