View Full Version : Final Cut Suite

  1. Am I missing somethng???
  2. Multiclip editing
  3. Made the move to MAC
  4. Er... wait a minute, do I really need FC Pro?
  5. FCP 6 won't start up
  6. The sRGB preset
  7. Quad Core laptop?
  8. Mac Pro RAM upgrade
  9. Sony XDCAM EX1 and FCS2
  10. Can anyone recommend a sharpening filter for Final Cut Pro?
  11. Now Motion is 3D... how does it compare to After Effects?
  12. ProRes question
  13. Episode Pro vs. Compressor tests
  14. Best place to buy a Macbookpro?
  15. Mac Mall
  16. Field order help
  17. Do Macs render faster?
  18. Please Help!
  19. Advantages of Apple in video editing?
  20. Will leopard improve editing and how.
  21. Low Quality Export To Dvd
  22. Soundtrack Pro really can't export properly can it?
  23. Exporting to tape camera question.
  24. How much more memory DO I need? to get my Mac Pro working right?
  25. Flipping the Image in Final Cut
  26. Completely new to FCP
  27. (About to purchase)Opinion of this set up for editing HDV shot with GY-HD100
  28. Help: No RT extreme. "Print To Video" workarounds?
  29. Software that shift fields of mpeg-2 clips?
  30. FCP capture help, please?
  31. What Mac do I need? Editing HD - XHA1
  32. Out put for broadcast from FCP (720p HVX footage)
  33. iMac Firewire Bus...Enough?
  34. firewire problem
  35. hdv to dv
  36. FCS 2 and Macbook Pro 2.2Ghz, 15"...?
  37. Exporting, bit confusing
  38. Best format for making stills from HDV frames in FCP
  39. ow edit out the actual footage?
  40. Avid Liquid to Final Cut Studio 2
  41. Changes to individual clips after multiclip
  42. A weird stills issue in FCP
  43. How can I eliminate extra pulldown frames using FCP 6?
  44. FCP Install Problem and rendering question
  45. Sequence Renaming in FCE - Virus?
  46. Help with Static Ridden Audio in FCE
  47. Best configuration for editing on new mac book pro with cor 2 duo and final cut?
  48. Problems with Color
  49. Question about JPEG Technique
  50. How to reset to the Original Settings