- Am I missing somethng???
- Multiclip editing
- Made the move to MAC
- Er... wait a minute, do I really need FC Pro?
- FCP 6 won't start up
- The sRGB preset
- Quad Core laptop?
- Mac Pro RAM upgrade
- Sony XDCAM EX1 and FCS2
- Can anyone recommend a sharpening filter for Final Cut Pro?
- Now Motion is 3D... how does it compare to After Effects?
- ProRes question
- Episode Pro vs. Compressor tests
- Best place to buy a Macbookpro?
- Mac Mall
- Field order help
- Do Macs render faster?
- Please Help!
- Advantages of Apple in video editing?
- Will leopard improve editing and how.
- Low Quality Export To Dvd
- Soundtrack Pro really can't export properly can it?
- Exporting to tape camera question.
- How much more memory DO I need? to get my Mac Pro working right?
- Flipping the Image in Final Cut
- Completely new to FCP
- (About to purchase)Opinion of this set up for editing HDV shot with GY-HD100
- Help: No RT extreme. "Print To Video" workarounds?
- Software that shift fields of mpeg-2 clips?
- FCP capture help, please?
- What Mac do I need? Editing HD - XHA1
- Out put for broadcast from FCP (720p HVX footage)
- iMac Firewire Bus...Enough?
- firewire problem
- hdv to dv
- FCS 2 and Macbook Pro 2.2Ghz, 15"...?
- Exporting, bit confusing
- Best format for making stills from HDV frames in FCP
- ow edit out the actual footage?
- Avid Liquid to Final Cut Studio 2
- Changes to individual clips after multiclip
- A weird stills issue in FCP
- How can I eliminate extra pulldown frames using FCP 6?
- FCP Install Problem and rendering question
- Sequence Renaming in FCE - Virus?
- Help with Static Ridden Audio in FCE
- Best configuration for editing on new mac book pro with cor 2 duo and final cut?
- Problems with Color
- Question about JPEG Technique
- How to reset to the Original Settings