View Full Version : Final Cut Suite

  1. Vector drawing into video - help please
  2. How do I get a nice watermark?
  3. compositing with fcp
  4. Final cut pro question
  5. Preview Disabled when I work with DV devices
  6. Video quality in FCE
  7. ProRes & Intel Macs...
  8. xh a1 and fce
  9. Mac/FCE/FCP - What is the best setting????
  10. Converting Mpeg2 HD to H.264?
  11. Final cut reset itself; lost all my favourite effects
  12. how to know FR?
  13. Washington, DC Final Cut Pro User Group - Inaugural Meeting
  14. quicktime vs. media manager
  15. Monitor Choice Help!
  16. FCP Freezing
  17. New aluminium 24" iMac's... Good enough for Pro Res capture and Color?
  18. Will this MBP be fine
  19. 25p footage in a 24p movie
  20. FCP video quality.
  21. Do these colors look wrong to you?
  22. about compressor and mpeg-2
  23. Aiptek into FCP6
  24. LiveType & FCE
  25. audio pop from a wireless mic! HOW DO I FIX?
  26. Quicktime Drop Frame or NDF question..
  27. Best way to covert Varicam 24P footage to PAL and NTSC SD?
  28. FCP for HDV Feature Films
  29. going between systems
  30. FCP/Compressor to Sony DVD Architect
  31. M2T Capture & Split
  32. Interpolate deinterlace on Mac??
  33. Need a different way to transition in FCP
  34. What is teh FCP equivalent of matchback?
  35. Best Drives - UltraStar? - Deskstar? - Barracuda?
  36. Anyone else have Motion freezing issues?
  37. Pro rez speed up HDV editing?
  38. Green frames after putting subtitles...
  39. Final Cut Pro 6 / V1 Thread
  40. FCP 25p to HLAN Qt file
  41. Some questions that have been bugging me
  42. stupid rendering fcp
  43. Losing hours worth of rendering
  44. Exporting HD from Final Cut Express
  45. RAID 0 on Sonnet with Firmtek controller
  46. exporting
  47. HDV and hard drive speed and RAIDs
  48. Mixing XL1s & A1 footage
  49. HV20 output to HD Cam
  50. Hd 3ccd Hard Drive Cam Order