View Full Version : Final Cut Suite

  1. 300 or 600 DPI?
  2. Major intermittent audio capture problems
  3. Best Users Manual for Final Cut Express?
  4. Final Cut Studio on Snow Leopard Server
  5. FCP and Panasonic TM700K
  6. Aspect ratio on the web
  7. I need help printing to tape****urgent****
  8. probs with color replacement
  9. Keyboard Short Cut
  10. Small Pulse of Light at Start of Speed Change?
  11. Sharing Assets-FCS? CATdv? Neither?
  12. footage pixilated on JVC HD700 import
  13. Batch export from FCP to it possible?
  14. Disproportionated Render Time with ProRes
  15. Capturing Digital Betacam into Prores.
  16. Noob question about FCP, syncing and time code
  17. Magic Mouse and Color
  18. inject a graphic in FCP HDV timeline without jagging
  19. In/Out Points Changing on Their Own?
  20. How to export downmix from FCP 6 to Compressor?
  21. FCP with citydisk HDV.
  22. Suggestions for compressing to china version Youtube
  23. Move OSX to external drive
  24. Adobe Photoshop CS5 or Extended.
  25. Cutting AVCHD on FCP? Stop using ProRes!
  26. stupid DVDSP menu timing question
  27. AVCHD to SD DVD
  28. Image Quality Question
  29. First time working with SxS Media - Posterized and noisy - Help...
  30. Rendering/Exporting selected clips from the timeline
  31. Need some help with Apple Motion, converting shape?
  32. Compression question
  33. Blackmagic Intensity Pro with FCP
  34. Can Macbook use an iMac screen?
  35. Will exporting project as Quicktime movie for dvd be just as good as compressor
  36. Pain in the rear
  37. Disable Command H function on MBP
  38. FCP and Final Cut Express: Is there help for enthusiasts?
  39. computer can't handle workflow?
  40. When to convert interlaced to progressive
  41. FCP for G5
  42. import fcp project
  43. HDR this done in post?
  44. Avchd & hdv
  45. weird stuttery audio thing at end of clips in timeline
  46. Trouble with Matrox Mini
  47. animation, black levels, digital. . .oy
  48. Boot From External Drive on iMac?
  49. This may be a stupid question, but its a question nonetheless
  50. DVDSP file size problem