- 300 or 600 DPI?
- Major intermittent audio capture problems
- Best Users Manual for Final Cut Express?
- Final Cut Studio on Snow Leopard Server
- FCP and Panasonic TM700K
- Aspect ratio on the web
- I need help printing to tape****urgent****
- probs with color replacement
- Keyboard Short Cut
- Small Pulse of Light at Start of Speed Change?
- Sharing Assets-FCS? CATdv? Neither?
- footage pixilated on JVC HD700 import
- Batch export from FCP to Compressor...is it possible?
- Disproportionated Render Time with ProRes
- Capturing Digital Betacam into Prores.
- Noob question about FCP, syncing and time code
- Magic Mouse and Color
- inject a graphic in FCP HDV timeline without jagging
- In/Out Points Changing on Their Own?
- How to export downmix from FCP 6 to Compressor?
- FCP with citydisk HDV.
- Suggestions for compressing to china version Youtube
- Move OSX to external drive
- Adobe Photoshop CS5 or Extended.
- Cutting AVCHD on FCP? Stop using ProRes!
- stupid DVDSP menu timing question
- Image Quality Question
- First time working with SxS Media - Posterized and noisy - Help...
- Rendering/Exporting selected clips from the timeline
- Need some help with Apple Motion, converting shape?
- Compression question
- Blackmagic Intensity Pro with FCP
- Can Macbook use an iMac screen?
- Will exporting project as Quicktime movie for dvd be just as good as compressor
- Pain in the rear
- Disable Command H function on MBP
- FCP and Final Cut Express: Is there help for enthusiasts?
- computer can't handle workflow?
- When to convert interlaced to progressive
- FCP for G5
- import fcp project
- HDR Video...is this done in post?
- Avchd & hdv
- weird stuttery audio thing at end of clips in timeline
- Trouble with Matrox Mini
- animation, black levels, digital. . .oy
- Boot From External Drive on iMac?
- This may be a stupid question, but its a question nonetheless
- DVDSP file size problem