View Full Version : The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media

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  1. Sound problem with Skype
  2. Do you have an ipad 1 cover?
  3. Amy Whitehouse and Tony Bennett.
  4. Is investing in PC editing/ post software a BAD idea?
  5. Big Lens, Little Camera
  6. Fake memory cards boo hoo.
  7. "The Ninjews Goy-L Trouble" screening at Gulf Coast Film Festival
  8. The Death of 3-D (again!)?
  9. Orson Welles, forgotten history.......
  10. An innovative idea
  11. Pam Am to fly again ..
  12. Nothing to do with media - just a lost Win7 admin pw
  13. Nothing to do with media - just a lost win7 admin pw
  14. Joby got bought
  15. I like this forum but...
  16. Zombie cam
  17. Sad day for the Australian Broadcasting Commision
  18. "Crime After Crime" - Documentary Screening
  19. Wallace and Gromit makers set record on Pendine Sands
  20. Alaska why Alaska?
  21. Hot Fuzz
  22. Best Film Schools
  23. Retired TV cameraman wins £161m in lottery
  24. Website Template for Video (Ipad Friendly)
  25. EMERGENCY SCREENING NOTICE: "The Ninjews: Goy-L Trouble" tonight 7-7-11 in Houston TX
  26. Garfunkel and Oates
  27. "Fair Use" - and a recent case. Read up.
  28. Looks like Soundtrack Pro helped find clue to reveal Bane in The Dark Knight Rises
  29. Friends don't let friends set their HDTVs to high refresh rates
  30. Problems with red ghosting with my LCD HDTV
  31. HDTV Has Widened Worldwide System Incompatibility
  32. Critique my new site?
  33. A new paradigm in video production?
  34. Sacramento video group mtg April 20th
  35. My short film "The Ninjews: Goy-L Trouble" screening at Worldfest Houston
  36. TV News shooter Rob Cook — Rescue
  37. Silliest accessory?
  38. OT: my new website - help needed
  39. The big choice: Feature or Long Form Short
  40. Tired of movies. . .TV is where it's at.
  41. One day at NAB
  42. Need Help with optura tapes
  43. Any Upcoming Trade Shows That Will Demonstrate New Sony Cameras?
  44. Video & Photos in the maternity ward
  45. This is fascinating...
  46. Dangerous Wands.
  47. Pro-Life Film Festival in California
  48. Piracy Starts At Home?
  49. Keeping Up With
  50. Dogma/Dogme 95