View Full Version : The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media

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  1. Just for fun, which would you rather have?
  2. 625 Scan Lines and 30 FPS
  3. Weddings and technology
  4. Where is Nikon?
  5. HD question for fellow aussies about "Home and Away"
  6. Questioning of Photo Student Challenged
  7. Star Wars Episode III's documentary "Video Village" on shooting experience in HD:
  8. my new web site
  9. My First 16mm Camera
  10. looking for a video posted a while ago
  11. Old Ampex Black and white camera
  12. The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan
  13. Spyware blockers for Apple?
  14. What's the deal with websites like these???
  15. Are super 35 and anamorphic the same thing
  16. forum is in a time warp!
  17. Aqua Teen Hunger Force. . .anyone?
  18. What equipment/program cuts it for a proffesional real sounding film score
  19. Trunk Monkey
  20. Video on Tombstones!
  21. Anyone ever get in trouble for using fake guns while shooting a film?
  22. aljazeera's F 911 review
  23. Script pages vs. Actual Screen time
  24. London Does F1 Run Test . .Love this Town !
  25. Be all that you can be ... makin' movies in the Army
  26. Just checking...
  27. Marlon Brando dies at 80
  28. Vialta VistaFrame -> video clip player in living room ?
  29. Happy Canada Day / Great Cdn Films
  30. Sony's Spiderman 2
  31. Can the credits let me know if a film is shot in HD
  32. Interesting site for short films
  33. WSJ - audiences burnt out from "event movies"
  34. FAHRENHEIT 9/11 - who has seen it?
  35. Movies with breathtaking opening seconds...
  36. Help! my HD-DAR is dead
  37. Ken Jennings on Jeopardy!
  38. Exporting America
  39. High Defintion VISION? Hmm..
  40. TV in lots of countries for free
  41. Canon's business model
  42. Eye surgery should I get it?
  43. The rise of Apple
  44. A Photo Montage by any onther name...
  45. Sent my script to Paramount
  46. Brain Powered Interface
  47. New York / Long Island area filmmaking groups?
  48. WSJ: Fall of Film Sales Exceeds Forecast Done by Kodak
  49. Words you Can't Say on TV
  50. Why close a Fedex thread?