View Full Version : The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media

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  1. my website
  2. SNL "Lazy Sunday" MV free download on iTunes
  3. Seagate is buying Maxtor
  4. History of the PowerPC
  5. 2009: Digital TV?
  6. Theater owners want cell phones blocked
  7. John Spencer
  8. Movie theatres and digital: FINALLY?
  9. FAKE HDTV's
  10. How Hollywood thinks...
  11. Steve Jobs wants to sit on your couch
  12. Photography 101 or books/cam/practice?
  13. Interview with Apple's G4 processor supplier CEO
  14. X-Men 3 teaser in HD
  15. Commercial Hype Invades TV Program Content
  16. Wow
  17. The Grey Cup in HD: an Audio Disaster
  18. Websites dive into video iPod revolution
  19. Soderberg on the "Bubble"
  20. Bugs, no, not that kind.
  21. What is a bad public movie atom?
  22. David Lynch...DV's filmmakers dream come true...
  23. Storaro's house at Christmas...
  24. Exploding the Television Boom
  25. Microsoft losing $153 on each Xbox sold
  26. Site that reviews HDTVs?
  27. my boss got the video Ipod and...
  28. Bad fonts are killing my Mac!!
  29. What song is THIS?
  30. and now for something completely different...
  31. Someone here did a film on Santa's history..
  32. Changing patterns in video distribution
  33. 16mm and 35mm >transfer to dv formatts
  34. Watch out, Best Buy and Circuit City...
  35. A question for you Brits...
  36. Ghosts? What is this?
  37. Custom Wiring Harness or Connector Suppliers? Who?
  38. "West Wing" Live
  39. Disney and Pixar
  40. Experience with Verizon FIOS?
  41. cnn news footage
  42. Telemarketer Torture!
  43. Wow factor busting the budget of Hollywood movies
  44. Phait Accompli Media Label Updates / New Podcast
  45. 16:9 broadcast
  46. Hurricane Wilma
  47. Does this sound strange to you...buying over the net
  48. A good, but short, read on digital's impact on Hollywood
  49. Tough times at Eastman Kodak
  50. Is your printer tracking you?