View Full Version : The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media

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  1. Palo Alto 'the movie'
  2. GL2 or XL2?
  3. Talent does not exist
  4. Poor Placement of Commercials
  5. Canadian cannonball competition
  6. Don Valley BrickWorks Exploration
  7. Posting video clips
  8. Wireless ISDN
  9. Any free/cheap PDF editors for Mac users?
  10. Closed-Caption Comedy
  11. Disney to cut back on live action movies
  12. movie making manual wiki
  13. Can You Read This!!!!
  14. New soundtrack service for videographers
  15. Videogames becoming the hottest place for product placement
  16. I debated about starting this, but here's a challenge.
  17. Career change advice
  18. "What Sets Us Apart" - Your opinion
  19. WOW! Shuttle launch in HD!
  20. Murphy's law visits as I am writing down to the wire
  21. Mac bloopers
  22. Teaming up w/ audio tech... what eqpmnt for him?
  23. wireless internet bandits
  24. Be Johnny?
  25. Closed Threads
  26. I saw this about a fast computer chip
  27. Help me complete a film quote
  28. March of the Penquins
  29. Stock Swap
  30. Flo and Eddie (The Turtles)
  31. Wedding photographer pricing insanity
  32. Two CBS News Crew Members Killed in Iraq
  33. Blooper noise tone.
  34. Suggestions for 16mm camera shoot...
  35. I finally put together a complete DV setup (let me know what u think)
  36. Dateline's To Catch A Predator
  37. Interesting link I found at another site
  38. If Microsoft made the iPod...
  39. Propaganda films?
  40. Apple to open flagship store in NYC tomorrow
  41. NBC Fall Lineup: Downhill Slide Continues
  42. Thanks DVinfo for my Birthday email
  43. New York Film Academy/Universal Studios
  44. Where is 16:9 on international TV channels?
  45. I want to shoot on film, not video. Possible?
  46. Hello, I'm a MAC... and I'm a PC
  47. Canon, too much money in the wrong places.....
  48. Little Tortilla Boy
  49. Howdy folks! (good for a big laugh)
  50. Battle over HD video formats will be bloody