View Full Version : Sony XDCAM PXW-FS7 / FS5

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  1. F-Series Event: Sony FS5 vs. FS7 and matching cameras (Jan 28, 2016)
  2. FS5 Big lens support and compact Odyssey mounting
  3. PXW-FS5 Rain Forest clips
  4. FS5 file please
  5. Sony FS5 Clear Image Zoom
  6. Sony FS5 Handgrip does not lock solid
  7. Sony Respond to 'Perceived' FS5 Problems
  8. Follow focus for the FS7
  9. What's better FCP X or Prem Pro for FS5?
  10. Fixed, fast lens for FS5
  11. FS5 and S-Log White Balance question
  12. To adapt or not to adapt?
  13. New SD cards
  14. FS5: Anyone have a PDF of the owner's manual?
  15. Sony A-Mount 70-300mm G Lens - FS5
  16. FS5 Hot Pixel - Anyone else seen it on their cam?
  17. FS5 for ENG?
  18. Nice 'review' of the FS5 by Philip Bloom
  19. Sony FS/7 at DFW
  20. Level changes XAVC-L Slog 3 in Premiere Pro
  21. FS5 New FW 1.1 early Xmas
  22. Sony FS5 Firmware 1.1 Update Released
  23. FS5 Quick Release 15mm Rail kit now in stock at WestsideAV
  24. FS5 4K 10 bit Recording
  25. FS5 - Macro blocking codec issue in 4k??
  26. FS5 Weird Blue Fringing in HD SLOG 3
  27. FS5- Matching to Canon C100 Wide DR Setting?
  28. Lens confusion
  29. FS5 Question on profiles?
  30. Camera freeze and corrupt file on FS5
  31. FS5 playing with PPs and some grading
  32. First Greenscreen shoot, FS5
  33. My Life as an Artist from KJ Creative (FS5)
  34. FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc
  35. battery issue
  36. Rigging the FS5
  37. Help with mac reading FS5 SD cards
  38. Lenses for the FS5
  39. FS5 Boring still life tests
  40. Any software from Sony?
  41. Sony Fs5 Cameras IN-STOCK, SHIPPING. Finance for $171 month.
  42. Custom Scene File to match the LC709TypeA LUT
  43. FS5 and O7Q+ ?
  44. FS5 Manual
  45. PXW-FS5 - No Auto White Balance?
  46. Sony PXW-FS5 - Initial User Impressions
  47. FS5 arrived at my door today in Amsterdam
  48. Audio capabilities of the FS 5&7
  49. Ultimate Exposure guide for FS7
  50. FS7 RAW woes & data distribution between: 12-bit RAW, 16-bit RAW, & 10-bit S-Log