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  1. knowledgeable fcp x editor in nyc?
  2. FCPX sharpening filter
  3. Two columns scrolling end credits
  4. When can we expect a new version of FCP-X
  5. 24p (sort of) into 60i file without any 3:2 pull-up
  6. FCPX Deleting Libraries
  7. View timeline on external monitor
  8. Synchronizing clips 10.1 workflow
  9. Spliting Mutlicam audio
  10. No import of mxf files after Canon utility.
  11. FCP-X at NAB 2014
  12. Translate subtitles before editing: workflow?
  13. Best External Drives For 4K Editing?
  14. Transcoding
  15. Large project archive
  16. FCPX Spinning Ball
  17. FCP X plugins
  18. FCP X & exFat
  19. Have a Motion 5 section in Mac Post Production Solutions?
  20. New Mac Pro
  21. I would like to purchase a 2010 Mac Pro for FCPX. Any suggestions in what I need?
  22. FCP 10.1 AVCHD editing
  23. Managing media !0.1.1
  24. Daft Question But Ask It I Must!
  25. FCPX portable editing on dual screens
  26. Playback
  27. Motion 5: Create Animated route on a map
  28. DVD Authoring
  29. Hey Glenn Elliott
  30. 101 Question
  31. 10.1.1 pushed this morning
  32. Help! Motion 5 export error -1
  33. Slowing down and speeding up footage, rewinding and fast forwarding
  34. Best codec to convert to for FCP x (native codec)
  35. NTSC to PAL (30p to 25p OR 25i)
  36. AVCHD Media Import Stalls on Optimization
  37. Mac Mini: Upgrade Suggestions
  38. Final Cut Pro X
  39. FCP-X 10.1 Released!
  40. Way to get Final Cut Pro X at a discount
  41. Confusing advice
  42. Retraining...
  43. SLow FCPX - I mean really slow
  44. Getting the FxFactory advertisements out of the FCP Interface?
  45. 5.1 Surround on Apple TV - A Handy Discovery!
  46. Background jpg size for DVDs
  47. Quicktime Error -50
  48. What is your XDCAM Workflow for FCP X?
  49. Migrating to FCP X. Maybe. Issues having both installed? XDCAM Issues?
  50. Recommendation for an external drive