- Canon Vixia HF G40 reviews?
- XA20: what's a good bag?
- Canon XL-H1 mic on Canon XA20
- Thinking about G30 in 2016
- Xa30????
- XA10/20 XLR Audio
- Porthole in XA20
- XA10 Question
- XA35 and gimbal setup
- New hd camcorders
- Canon XA20 recording and lifestreaming at the same time
- Mixing G25 with DSLR footage
- Relay Recording in auto
- Canon G20 auto exposure too bright
- XA25. Switching cards
- Canon XA20 or HF G30 settings for weddings
- XA10 card in Premier Pro (capture)
- Theatrical shooting with xa-20 vs hf200?
- XA-25 WiFi remote and manual settings
- Need a focus chart(?) to snap into macro focus
- XA-25: 4.2.2 on SDI and HDMI ?
- Editing MTS files
- When will we see update to XA-20?
- Third party Remote controller for XA20
- Is lossless joining of XA10 clips really possible?
- XA20 in extreme lighting condition - Dance Video
- XA20 Wedding Trailer/Highlight
- initialize SD card XA 20
- initialize SD card XA 20
- New to XA Camera Qlty question
- Those Fiddly Little Buttons
- WiFi Remote Application.
- Field Monitor fo XA20
- Powered IS not working?
- File numbers
- LANC Controller compatibility
- New XA 20 Firmware
- XA10 with WA adapter
- XA20 Composite Video Output disabled when HDMI is connected???
- Combining footage between Canon XF and a Sony?
- XA20 WiFi Feature ??
- Frustrated with XA20
- DIY Spider Holster alternative for XA10
- XA10 gets stuck in auto focus
- switching from internal mic to external
- Is one "blip" normal ??
- Canon HV40 Laptop USB port (no firewire port) Pinnacle Movie Box 14
- Does anyone use the mic holder built on the XA-20
- Shooting with XA10 and XA20
- I want to buy an XA20, but ...