View Full Version : Canon XA and VIXIA Series AVCHD Camcorders

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  1. Canon Vixia HF G40 reviews?
  2. XA20: what's a good bag?
  3. Canon XL-H1 mic on Canon XA20
  4. Thinking about G30 in 2016
  5. Xa30????
  6. XA10/20 XLR Audio
  7. Porthole in XA20
  8. XA10 Question
  9. XA35 and gimbal setup
  10. New hd camcorders
  11. Canon XA20 recording and lifestreaming at the same time
  12. Mixing G25 with DSLR footage
  13. Relay Recording in auto
  14. Canon G20 auto exposure too bright
  15. XA25. Switching cards
  16. Canon XA20 or HF G30 settings for weddings
  17. XA10 card in Premier Pro (capture)
  18. Theatrical shooting with xa-20 vs hf200?
  19. XA-25 WiFi remote and manual settings
  20. Need a focus chart(?) to snap into macro focus
  21. XA-25: 4.2.2 on SDI and HDMI ?
  22. Editing MTS files
  23. When will we see update to XA-20?
  24. Third party Remote controller for XA20
  25. Is lossless joining of XA10 clips really possible?
  26. XA20 in extreme lighting condition - Dance Video
  27. XA20 Wedding Trailer/Highlight
  28. initialize SD card XA 20
  29. initialize SD card XA 20
  30. New to XA Camera Qlty question
  31. Those Fiddly Little Buttons
  32. WiFi Remote Application.
  33. Field Monitor fo XA20
  34. Powered IS not working?
  35. File numbers
  36. LANC Controller compatibility
  37. New XA 20 Firmware
  38. XA10 with WA adapter
  39. XA20 Composite Video Output disabled when HDMI is connected???
  40. Combining footage between Canon XF and a Sony?
  41. XA20 WiFi Feature ??
  42. Frustrated with XA20
  43. DIY Spider Holster alternative for XA10
  44. XA10 gets stuck in auto focus
  45. switching from internal mic to external
  46. Is one "blip" normal ??
  47. Canon HV40 Laptop USB port (no firewire port) Pinnacle Movie Box 14
  48. Does anyone use the mic holder built on the XA-20
  49. Shooting with XA10 and XA20
  50. I want to buy an XA20, but ...