- End of the line for 1/3" chip MPEG 422?
- Is This Even Possible?
- Stumped on Potential Footage Backup/Workflow
- FCP X 10.1 and Canon XF305
- xf100 replacement anytime soon?
- Better eyepiece for a Canon XF100
- LCD Display Recording
- Canon XF100 Hood Size
- Making the move, possibly?
- 1080 50p on XF300/305?
- Extracting a still image from Xf100 frames.
- Inexpensive match for XF100?
- Best tripod setup for Canon XF100?
- Outputting SD while recording HD
- The Big Step to 4k???
- XF100 Manual focus while changing FL
- A fine point about XF and Cinema EOS Multi-cam Time Code
- New XF300/305 Hood+Lenscap
- canon xf300, color profiles and color correction
- XF305 HD/SD Component Out Terminal Cover
- XF300/XF305 editing with FCP X
- XF100 Mountain Lion - FCP7 Log and Transfer not recognizing XF100
- Need some Assistance for Projecting for the XF100
- Rain Cover
- xf 100 - ask for reset of date
- Urgent assistance needed with flickering!!!
- Canon XF305 & XF300 Digital Tele-Converter Firmware Update
- lost data
- Finally
- Frame rates and shutter speeds
- New Firmware Available for Canon XF305, XF300, XF105 & XF100
- Anton Bauer ElipZ 10K batteries
- Remaining recording time and memory usage, is this normal?
- XF300 date/time burnin on card
- Should I sell my XF305 for a 5D Mark III?
- replacement for xf100
- XF100 and G10/20 or XA10 CP suggestions?
- Set up question
- Any XF300 replacement rumours?
- Canon XF Utility - Problems with Win 8
- Advice setting up the XF-100?
- Canon XF100 MXF File Question
- Canon Video Camera X Style for DSLRs to match xf series
- XF300, XA10, Vegas Pro, & Excalibur
- Canon XF100 on the way! Now, a few questions from a pro camera novice...
- XF300 For Sale
- Cine V and cineform
- XF300 question
- Canon CF100 with Canon 5D MK II...
- Shoulder mount for XF 300/305?