- 60D + Cineform ( ReMaster settings )
- Canon vs Zeiss 50mm f1.4 on 7D
- Limited to FAT32?
- 600d / T3i Overheating questions?
- 600d / T3i questions (Zoom)
- Macro Lens
- Atomos Ninja with your Canon 7D?
- which lens 70-200mm f/2.8L IS the old or the new ?
- 10x zoom and the lens sweet spot
- Total Noob asking totally nooby questions
- burning for a dvd screener?
- Help!White flash in video?
- Working with an external monitor
- External Monitoring Question
- Why DSLR's have cinema look
- Monopods/Tripods
- Why is the bench and table throbbing? 24p test -60D
- best self timer remote for 60D
- T3i video...what is this lens??
- The New T3i - Will digital zoom allow normal shooting without Aliasing and Moire.
- Partial Transfer of Video Files from Flash Cards
- a little help needed
- 60D's 1/30 shutter speed
- What motorized head for timelapses?
- Looking for .plist fix for T3i for FCP EOS plugin...
- 60D is for professional work
- Lcdvf
- Maintaining Focus
- Does a lens like this even exist?
- Lower the brightness on the LCD?
- Best setup for wedding Videography?
- Anyone use this shoulder mount for t2i?
- Video Help with 2Ti needed
- Gang Battery Charger for 7D
- lens choices for 60d
- Quality setting
- Future EOS body, 7D equivalent
- Shooting Sport with Different Shutter Speeds..
- Shall I go for the t2i?
- AJA Ki Pro Mini
- Correcting 7D Camera Mic Audio
- 7d timer/remote question.
- "A Train Ticket..." Canon 7d Music video
- Cineroid EVF-review
- Any Issues With Combining 5D files with T1i files?
- what equipment do i need to start using the 7D?
- After Effects Time Warp or Twixtor for Canon 7D footage?
- IPhone Apps
- 60D and Sigma 17-70
- Conversion help needed...