View Full Version : Canon GL Series DV Camcorders

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  1. Canon gl2 no power blown fuse?
  2. GL-1: Good Luck So Far
  3. Newbie help! Canon Gl2 turns off in camera record mode!
  4. Video Editing Software For GL-2 Cameras
  5. Canon GL-2 Camcorder Conversion
  6. Can you modify a GL2 to record video to the SD card?
  7. GL2 Problem. Help please!
  8. Setting Custom Key on GL2 to control attenuation
  9. Hand Strap came out of GL-2 camera body
  10. Radical color problems on the A/V port, GL2
  11. Switching to a different brand of mini DV tape
  12. GL2 In Need of Help/Guidance
  13. Canon XM2 Pro Camcorder..Good?Bad? Help Needed
  14. GL1 losing menu settings
  15. GL2 suddenly died just after scuba diving
  16. GL2 Grainy Results
  17. GL2 Camera Noise
  18. Shotgun Mics $50-$200?
  19. Zoom Wheel for GL2?
  20. 2011.. wide angle lens update?!
  21. Has the GL2 Forum died?
  22. GL2 HAs Eaten a tape like old VHS VCRs used to
  23. Captured video from a GL2 has super low audio in Final Cut?
  24. avoiding vertical judder during fast pans?
  25. GL1 to laptop without firewire
  26. Problems with GL1 Analog Passthrough
  27. No LCD Screen in Record Mode
  28. Monopod as a stabilizer?
  29. Canon XM2/GL2 - red/green colour shifting issue
  30. Time Lapse with GL2
  31. Wanted: Century 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen Adapter
  32. Seeking Upload Camera Recommendations
  33. Line In audio recording while videotaping on GL2
  34. Lose quality importing from a different camcorder??
  35. canon service center
  36. Woe is me...... GL-2 inoperable....
  37. No Sound - help
  38. GL2 recording in stripes (half old half new)
  39. shallow D.O.F. with GL2
  40. The Right way to record from soundboard with GL2
  41. Anyone use GL-2 + Final Cut Pro?
  42. Any guess as to what the damage (to my wallet) will be?
  43. Dropped my Canon GL2 worth fixing?
  44. GL2 concert filming help
  45. thick horizontal lines during playback WHY?
  46. Playing gl1 tapes on jvc sr-vs10 or 30
  47. GL-2 won't close
  48. Cost effective way to record without tape?
  49. How do I get pass this obstacle?
  50. Power switch is broken