View Full Version : Canon GL Series DV Camcorders

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  1. Beating a Dead Horse
  2. GL2 compared to the VX2000 Sony.
  3. is down?!
  4. Where to buy BeachTek Audio Adapters??
  5. All about the warranty???
  6. Cheaper MiniDV Camera to Capture Footage In Order To Reduce Wear On GL2?
  7. Looking For Information on a Free GL2 DV Course
  8. Drifting White Balance
  9. Why New Cam Drop-Outs?
  10. GL2 VX2000 DV pass through
  11. Problem with GL-1 LCD
  12. Please help a newbie!!!
  13. any experiements with Kenko, Titanium (and any japanish) lenses?
  14. Canon GL2E?
  15. Viewfinder Horizon/Paralax? HELP!!
  16. built in mic
  17. WD-58H or Century/Optex?
  18. Headphones for Gl2
  19. Titlemix video tutorial
  20. GL2 Image Capture Card Grain
  21. So, what's better out of the GL2 or XL1?
  22. Blue pixel on my LCD screen...
  23. Sennheiser MKE-300 Factory Modification
  24. Canon GL2 chipset...does it perform?
  25. Reapairs comparison GL2 vs VX2000
  26. Dual battery charger and holder in one
  27. GL-1 Camera Noise/Hum with Sennheiser MKE300
  28. Advice for BAR club scene Shooting
  29. gl2 noise compared with xl1?
  30. 8MB card only holds 8 1488 X 1128 pics
  31. MikeMuff Windscreen
  32. gl2 vegas4 ext.monitor playback problems
  33. Line Level too soft, mic level too hot?
  34. interval timer questions
  35. Hardware 16x9 vs. Software 16x9 from 4x3
  36. Cheaper Shotgun (than an ME66)
  37. I can buy a display model GL 1 $1300
  38. GL2, using 16x9 - why are there no black bars in the LCD?
  39. DV IN Flashing in VCR Mode (capture problem-XM1)?
  40. ENG with GL2
  41. GL2 vs XL1S vs PD 150 vs ?
  42. Is a preamp totally necessary?
  43. ME66 Mounting on GL2
  44. Another Teleconverter question...
  45. GL2 and external firewire drives
  46. Rotoscoping Lightsabers on Interlaced Video
  47. GL2 doesn't come with a firewire cable?
  48. GL2 Warranty
  49. problem reading the mini DV tape on GL2
  50. GL2 needs Time Date for Legal Video