- HVR-Z5 Minimum focus distance
- FX1000, Just purchased one
- Z5 with large tapes optional?
- z5u thoughts, operating manual?
- CinemaTone? Do you use it?
- Capturing 24P
- Looking for advice, please read.
- What accessories are available to extend the front hot shoe?
- Z5 / FX1000 Veiwfinder... How is yours?
- Why is the time code not counting when I record?
- I got an FX1000 to play with.
- Couple of questions for owners of Z5 re Peaking & Auto/Push focus
- Under-exposed images/Aperture and the FX1000/Lens ramping
- Finding end of clip fx1000
- FX1000: video trailer
- HC-1 playback
- Hvr-z5u brochure
- HVRZ5U Promotion
- Z5P Test Video
- My first thoughts on the Z5
- Where to buy FX1000 besides B and H?
- 24p with FX1000
- HVR Z5 exceptional ignore the rolling shutter malarky
- Compact Flash Cards/Doc settings
- Battery too hot
- FX1000/Z5 compared to the Z7
- Wow... Rolling shutter
- Just not the same
- FX1000 has arrived - first impressions
- Z5u to ship on the 20th
- Are we to get a Z5 page?
- Sony Unveils HDR-FX1000 , HVR-Z5J