- Lots of 5DmkII Lens Options
- Canon 5DmkII and Bower FD-EOS adapter on Canon lenses
- Best quality end result to DVD
- Help w Lens Adapter
- lighting matters
- Best codec for editing in iMovie
- Frame "Shifting" or "Stutter"
- Where to find grip and external light-weight display?
- capture
- Full control of EOS lenses for video
- A Good Conversation With Canon
- Use neutral density filters to control DOF with 5DmkII
- Audio Solution: Microtrack II + SF Noise Reduction
- new way to lock aperture on ef lens
- My First 5D2 Paying Gig
- 5d mark II excitement
- Does the focal length rule apply in video mode?
- Custom function at 5D Mark2 as a way to keep the settings?
- M5D MKII VS HV30 With Redrock DOF Adaper?
- Is the 5d2 ready for prime time or not?
- How many non-canon lenses have you purchased for your 5D Mk II video needs?
- Lens selection for MkII
- Remote Cable
- Sort of manual control with manual/disconnected lenses at least in the dark!
- White Balance
- 5D MKII doesn't flicker in 50Hz Europe!
- External Power for the 5D2
- Using the 5D Mark II as your main "camcorder"?
- WDTV Media Player / 5Dmrk 2 / USB Card Reader
- PS3 and 5D2 files
- Sound recording issues
- Is it possible to engage ae-lock in remote live view?
- Fluid Head Options, Low and High
- Best Image-stabilized "around the house" lens?
- A Reasonable Compromise
- Another Live View HDMI capture thread...
- 5D2 + Steadicam Merlin (and other options)
- Round up of 5D2 transcoding solutions for the PC
- Canon 5D Mark-II Stuck Pixels...
- Nikon Lens Question
- Is anyone using iMovie 08
- Shutter Control....
- Great Adapter News
- Recommend extended service contract for 5dmkII?
- How much memory per minute?
- Crush problem solved - QT 7.6
- Quicktime updated today. Levels problem fixed?
- What macbook pro for 5D
- Canon EOS EF mount pin readout!
- quick clarification