View Full Version : Canon EOS Full Frame for HD

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  1. Ikan 5600, or hopefully user problem
  2. 5d gets pwn'd by EX1 in snowboard video (link)
  3. SMPTE timecode in the 5D Mark II
  4. No sound from built in mic
  5. 5D footage on Final Cut Pro 5.1
  6. Canon 5DMKII 30P footage to 24P footage
  7. Cineform vs. ProRes
  8. Nice video that sums up video between 5d vs 7d
  9. Anyone had an experience using an HDMI converter with pass thru?
  10. 5D not recognizing genuine canon battery?
  11. stanford makes linux camera with canon lens
  12. Recording audio with an external device i.e zoom h4
  13. Streamlined workflow question
  14. Nikon Glass on 5Dmii?
  15. Thoughts of selling 5D2 for 7D
  16. Insurance for my 5D2
  17. PAL workflow mixing 5D with HDV
  18. Assessment of the 5D2 by the BBC (Alan Roberts)
  19. Shooting stills at an air show
  20. Experience with "cage" type supports for 5D?
  21. 5DMK2 video duration with 16GB
  22. Audio Sync: 5dMK2 / Zoom H4 / NeoScene / Sony Vegas
  23. How much time between takes?
  24. Canon files with QT8 / Snow Leopard
  25. Loupe time...
  26. 7D stuff to the 7D forum...
  27. 24/25/30 on the 5D Mark II? Should I dare hope?
  28. ProRes Questions – What's the Ideal Format?
  29. optimal settings for Jucedlink 231 & 5D
  30. Cavision rig + AT1800 + Skater Dolly
  31. OS Snow Leopard and raw Mark II clips
  32. Remote start/stop + ext. monitoring for 5D on jib
  33. Mixing 5D with XHA1
  34. Subtle vibrations due to long lenses and/or tripod?
  35. In depth camera settings for video?!?
  36. Anybody Up for a 555 Contest (5 days, 5 minutes, with the 5D)
  37. Shallow DOF outside?
  38. Good crane for 5D2?
  39. Feature film just completed on 5d mk2
  40. Same ISO, more light..?
  41. Lens suggestions to match ordinary FRAMES from today's hollywood movies?
  42. Air-con mists up my lens?
  43. 24-70mm vs 24-105mm
  44. Review of new Zacuto Z-Finder V2
  45. if not canon 85mm what?
  46. Setting exposure with the LCD - Yeah, right!
  47. Canon 5d and DVCProHD
  48. Dust internally on Kit Lens 24-105mm
  49. 25p users unite!
  50. Setting Quicktime and VLC for Canon EOS 5D Mark II