View Full Version : Canon EOS Full Frame for HD

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  1. Okay, now who wins?
  2. SmallHD monitor-how's it working out?
  3. follow focus with 5D and 7D
  4. Lens Combo for 5D
  5. Ex-1 user considering 5D/7D
  6. Canon announces free 24p / 25p update for EOS 5D Mk. II
  7. why not 60p on the 5dM2?
  8. 5DM2 to PAL DVD?
  9. New 5D MkII Owner Rig & Post Questions
  10. 5D MK II | Lock Up Issue
  11. 5d edit in fcp with hdv footage
  12. 5DmkII at war in Afghanistan
  13. Useful 5D Mark II tutorial?
  14. Win Philip Bloom's Learn 5D Mark II Cinematography DVD from
  15. Most DOF'ed lens..?
  16. HDMI to 480 Switch Resolved?
  17. DVi Review: Learn Canon 5D Mark II Cinematography with Philip Bloom DVD
  18. Consumer camera to match 5D?
  19. UV protection filter for my "Fader ND" ( Thread size confusion )
  20. Rolling Shutter 7D, 5D at identical panning speed
  21. screen brightness - looks like AUTO iris
  22. hoodloupe or external monitor?
  23. Canon 5D Mk2 / Angle Back
  24. canon 5d mkii and compression artifacts in the orginal footage
  25. 70-200mm f2.8L IS - Focus Problem?
  26. 5dMk ii shoots Frontline DOC for PBS.
  27. Nikkor Adapters for Canon EOS 5D - Not all are equal quality!
  28. Editing on a Modbook/white Macbook
  29. Zacuto Z-Finder V2 Observation
  30. Audio Capture and Magic Lantern
  31. Night shoot - help needed
  32. My latest thoughts on 5DmkII rolling shutter in my latest vid
  33. ProRes needs rendering?
  34. Merlin or Blackbird?
  35. Has anybody completed shooting a full feature length film
  36. My 5D Rig Config
  37. Need an eyepiece like the EX3
  38. First LED light using 5D2 Battery gets my money.
  39. one lens has to go
  40. External Shotgun for Mark II
  41. What's going on here with quicktime 10 vs 7 and color?
  42. What lenses are you using with your stabilizers?
  43. My camera rig...
  44. Upping the Anti
  45. Test - upload pic... sweet toy
  46. Canon Survey
  47. Full HD on HDMI while recording
  48. AfterWork, my first 5D MII video
  49. Stop Motion Music Video
  50. Zacuto Z-Finder V2 Review